Yeah! This Weekend I literally spent it fruitfully.
As fruitful as possible!
I shopped, I ate, I did a lil exercise, I prayed and I have lotza fun for sure!!!!
Trying on clothes, posing here and there
be SEXY!
Dressing up.
Making UP.
Feeling Good!!!!
And for once in my life, well not really, but anyway, for sure, I touched no'tin of my "picky" laptop and got myself a fulllllll!!! attendance!!!
Until I on it last night, a few minutes before midnight and I was shocked to see that ohhh mighty mighty...I got a 5 sets of pre-reading list for the lesson today...
huahaha but what can be done right!!!!
it's about time to sleep...
thus I just did a quick reading (thanks to the many times of reading exposure) and got myself to sleep!!!
Anyway, looking forward for another shopping spree!!!
time to glamour up...
and have some more fun!!!
closets screaming for help!!!
got to do something!!!
Anyway, before that, coming up, I have ballet concerts to go!!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Welcoming the New Year!!!
my family and I had a great feast at home before we proceed on to have a short message given by the priest invited by my aunt, before at a few minutes before midnight, went to the front house to see the fireworks that rocketted the sky like shooting stars
It was a brilliant night we spent together as a family.
It had been a tough year for some of us; like the endless assignments, the boring working and schooling hours, the conflicts with friends... etc.etc.etc.
It had been a saddening year for another some of us.
But on the other hand it was a great year too.
with many events such as my cousin's 17th birthday, my sisters's getting a job, my sister being assign to be the designer of Vertu, my cousin and my 21st Birthday (wohooo!!!), the birth of our 2 little princesses in the house etc. 
etc. etc.

As we filled the house singing, praying, apologizing and taking pictures
with one another...the bond that we have are tightened.

The night was even more fun when we end it with a toast to welcome the new year.
Despite of the deafening sound of the fireworks
that decorated the sky, the night was also filled with laughters and love!

Last but not least,
with the taste of Henessy!

What a year...
Can you believe it folks? It's 2010 already.
For a start my life has been almost the same as the way I led my life in the 2009
except that, I realised I'm getting sicker, weaker and lazier.
I dont know what comes over me, but all I know ever since April 2008 haha I began to feel a little not so much at ease lol
Life seems kinda pretty boring.
Especially yesterday.
After the sleepless night and the fatigue that greeted me in the morning, I found myself dreaming away from the lesson and totally lost in my own world.
However, the good news is, with tomorrow which mark the official day of my off day, haha I think it's time to make some "soul-searching" lol have a good rest, have a good time, and make sure to be ready for a better day on Thurs.
The days seemed to move one so fast now that I realised we are already in the second week of January 2010.
Well, for a new year's resolution, I have not many things in mind, except to do some of the things I have failed to do last year.
And currently, I am trying to attend as many family gatherings as possible.
And for that one particular reason, it causes me to look forward to the upcoming Chinese New Year in February.
The idea of a family gathering, after so long of not having a gathering...and with the new people coming into my life, it really makes me to feel the urge and the happiness to go back home.
It's been sometime since I last sensed this feeling.
Anyway, so far so good.
Or maybe kind of good... =p
Time to make it even better...
and I pray that I can make the best out of my life this year.
Got to go...
Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then =)
What a year...
Can you believe it folks? It's 2010 already.
For a start my life has been almost the same as the way I led my life in the 2009
except that, I realised I'm getting sicker, weaker and lazier.
I dont know what comes over me, but all I know ever since April 2008 haha I began to feel a little not so much at ease lol
Life seems kinda pretty boring.
Especially yesterday.
After the sleepless night and the fatigue that greeted me in the morning, I found myself dreaming away from the lesson and totally lost in my own world.
However, the good news is, with tomorrow which mark the official day of my off day, haha I think it's time to make some "soul-searching" lol have a good rest, have a good time, and make sure to be ready for a better day on Thurs.
The days seemed to move one so fast now that I realised we are already in the second week of January 2010.
Well, for a new year's resolution, I have not many things in mind, except to do some of the things I have failed to do last year.
And currently, I am trying to attend as many family gatherings as possible.
And for that one particular reason, it causes me to look forward to the upcoming Chinese New Year in February.
The idea of a family gathering, after so long of not having a gathering...and with the new people coming into my life, it really makes me to feel the urge and the happiness to go back home.
It's been sometime since I last sensed this feeling.
Anyway, so far so good.
Or maybe kind of good... =p
Time to make it even better...
and I pray that I can make the best out of my life this year.
Got to go...
Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then =)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hellow readers....
Below (Isabella) is the story I created for my "Art of Story" lesson a few months ago, or rather last year.
Well, as always, the length of the story may be a pain, but frankly speaking, the story is very interesting =p (self praise) and to tell u the truth, in order to create this story, I get out of my boundary and think of something that is totally out of my usual writing nature.
The theme of the story is Love.
And the setting is in the present time, in a city of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Thus the characters involves are Indonesian natives.
The italic words and time is a guide for readers to understand the flow of the story and able to differentiate the time line of the past and present.
Last but not least, hehe just want to boast a little, I got an A for this article and in fact just as I thought I have exceeded the word limit the lecturer wanted to see, in fact she said that she would like to see more of the emotions involves between the 2 protagonists. (haha.. well maybe I will try to do that when I got the continuation ready =) )
But anyway, it's a good story and I hope that you can enjoy it as you read it.
Thank you.
Love and Peace
ps. hope u like the song
Below (Isabella) is the story I created for my "Art of Story" lesson a few months ago, or rather last year.
Well, as always, the length of the story may be a pain, but frankly speaking, the story is very interesting =p (self praise) and to tell u the truth, in order to create this story, I get out of my boundary and think of something that is totally out of my usual writing nature.
The theme of the story is Love.
And the setting is in the present time, in a city of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Thus the characters involves are Indonesian natives.
The italic words and time is a guide for readers to understand the flow of the story and able to differentiate the time line of the past and present.
Last but not least, hehe just want to boast a little, I got an A for this article and in fact just as I thought I have exceeded the word limit the lecturer wanted to see, in fact she said that she would like to see more of the emotions involves between the 2 protagonists. (haha.. well maybe I will try to do that when I got the continuation ready =) )
But anyway, it's a good story and I hope that you can enjoy it as you read it.
Thank you.
Love and Peace
ps. hope u like the song
A Day in the Life of Isabella Surya
Isabella stopped to catch her breath.
The bride turned to look at the long road she had covered for the past fifteen minutes. She wondered if she was far enough for them to find her, then as she breathes in as much air as possible the beautiful girl began to cry.
“I could not do this. I should have never done this.” She thought to herself as she walked past the sea of people who was staring at her with knitted brows, but she could not care less. “If only…if only I could just turn back the time and undo all the things I’ve done” Isabella thought to herself, unfortunately it was too late for her to regret now that things had come these far.
For a moment, her biggest dream of marrying the guy she loves the most seems to have vanish to thin air and her happiness had turned to sorrow and shame. ‘I can’t tell him, neither can I face him now. I should have never done this. Never. Why didn’t I realize it in the first place? Why didn’t I grab hold of myself from falling in love with him…why…” the questions of what and why lingered in her head, making her sick.
As she walked in her confused state of mind, the twenty nine years old, began to trace back all the things she had done and the day it all started.
It all started when the make-up artist, who had just finish her work for the day was making her way to the parking lot, when she saw the man she had longed admired. Joko was walking towards her direction with a luggage in one hand and a cell phone on the other. In his business suit, Joko looks even more charming than Isabella remembered him to be.
The make-up artist fixed her gaze on him as he made his way past her without even taking a few seconds in return to her gaze. He was a very busy man, even after office hour, he was often wanted to carry out an important task to one place or another and thus he had to always make sure that his cell phone is available at all time.
Isabella turned to look at the man who continued walking and felt disappointed for making herself looks so desperate for him. “its okay, even if he sees me, he may not be able to recognize me either” she said to herself sadly. “If only he knows that I have go all these far in order for him to notice me. The beautiful side of me.” Isabella wished with all her might.
Her wish comes true however, when the business man appeared in her studio one day.
“What can I do for you sir?” she asked as calmly as possible.
“Are you the boss here?” Joko asked politely as he handed her his name card. “It’s really cool. Your studio, I really love it. Are you a photographer?” he asked looking at her straight in the eyes.
His unexpected stare almost made her to lose her cool “No. I’m…I’m the make-up artist. The photographer is at the second storey, if you would like to meet him” she said facing away from him to hide the nervousness.
“No, it’s okay, I was just passing by, maybe I will come back later, if my work is not holding me back. Just want to have a few words with the photographer about some photo taking schedule but anyway, I got to go. Please tell him that I’m looking for him. Thank you.”
The tall man made a quick exit the moment he finished his sentences and soon, his figure seems to have faded among the crowds.
1:30 p.m.
Isabella ran her hand over the beautifully designed gown. The gown she had chose especially for him and wondered what she should do with the gown now. “It would probably become a trash in the closet” she thought to herself, though some part of her, hoping that she could do something better to it.
Just then, as she pulled up the long gown to make herself easier to move, she realized that she had not worn the heels she bought for the occasion. Instead, she was wearing an old slipper that she had brought from the studio.
It was then that she knew they were never intended to be one, despite of the fate that had twined its way around them. “I knew it, except that I never know it will end this way” she said to herself, bitterly.
After their several meeting up, the two eventually found themselves attracted with one another. For a moment Joko seems to have found himself a good friend who understands him inside out and that makes him happy.
All these while, ever since the missing of his best pal, Ian who was believed to have lost his life in an airplane accident, Joko had turned himself into a completely different person. He has no time for family, no time for friends, no time for other interest except for his work. His work seems to be the only source of comfort for him, for as long as he was occupied with so many things in mind, it will gives him no time to think about the ugly truth that his friend was no longer alive.
Thus, after committing themselves to one another, they decided to tie the knot.
Unfortunately, what Joko never knew was, putting aside the outer appearance of his bride to be, was the man he was grieving for.
It was of Ian’s request that the hospital made an agreement to call and informed Joko that his best friend was pronounced dead, when he decided to make a change of himself into the woman she is now, which happened to be the day the airplane crash. Thus, the man decided to make that as a false testimony to tell his friend, so that he will not come searching for him during the time he was undergoing the makeover.
Ian had always admired his friend Joko, but little did he knows that it soon turned out to be an addiction, then an obsession which eventually controlling his mind to look at him more as a lover than a friend. Ian had wondered in his corrupted mind what would make Joko notice him, the beautiful side of him, the side of him, who loves to paint his nails instead of fixing the computer, the side of him, who loves bubble bath instead of muddy rain. And this desire of wanting to make his friend to notice him, made him to go the extra mile as to turn himself into a new creature beyond the law of nature. All these he did it for the sake of love from the one man he wishes to be with.
Unfortunately, as the days passed by and the day of the occasion is getting near, Isabella was filled with fears; the fear of shame, the fear of disappointment, the fear of being out casted, the fear of insanity, and most of all the fear of hate.
Thus, knowing that she would not be able to carry on with her life as freely as she wanted it to be, she decided to give up her love for him.
8:00 P.M.
Isabella looked at the stars that shine above her and wondered how to live her life once again. Mixtures of feelings had clouded her broken heart.
She thinks back of the days she spent with Joko as a friend and as a lover, and she felt that it was all useless, for she had fulfilled nothing in the end. She may have his love, but she had failed to buy his trust and future. He may have his trust but he had failed to attract his attention.
Confused as she already is, Isabella wondered what she could do to bury it all…
Meanwhile, in the silence of the church, a man sat with drooped shoulders. He looked at the picture his bride had left for him, it was the picture of him and his dead friend, Ian, and wondered; why he didn’t realize it earlier…maybe he would have saved him.
Isabella stopped to catch her breath.
The bride turned to look at the long road she had covered for the past fifteen minutes. She wondered if she was far enough for them to find her, then as she breathes in as much air as possible the beautiful girl began to cry.
“I could not do this. I should have never done this.” She thought to herself as she walked past the sea of people who was staring at her with knitted brows, but she could not care less. “If only…if only I could just turn back the time and undo all the things I’ve done” Isabella thought to herself, unfortunately it was too late for her to regret now that things had come these far.
For a moment, her biggest dream of marrying the guy she loves the most seems to have vanish to thin air and her happiness had turned to sorrow and shame. ‘I can’t tell him, neither can I face him now. I should have never done this. Never. Why didn’t I realize it in the first place? Why didn’t I grab hold of myself from falling in love with him…why…” the questions of what and why lingered in her head, making her sick.
As she walked in her confused state of mind, the twenty nine years old, began to trace back all the things she had done and the day it all started.
It all started when the make-up artist, who had just finish her work for the day was making her way to the parking lot, when she saw the man she had longed admired. Joko was walking towards her direction with a luggage in one hand and a cell phone on the other. In his business suit, Joko looks even more charming than Isabella remembered him to be.
The make-up artist fixed her gaze on him as he made his way past her without even taking a few seconds in return to her gaze. He was a very busy man, even after office hour, he was often wanted to carry out an important task to one place or another and thus he had to always make sure that his cell phone is available at all time.
Isabella turned to look at the man who continued walking and felt disappointed for making herself looks so desperate for him. “its okay, even if he sees me, he may not be able to recognize me either” she said to herself sadly. “If only he knows that I have go all these far in order for him to notice me. The beautiful side of me.” Isabella wished with all her might.
Her wish comes true however, when the business man appeared in her studio one day.
“What can I do for you sir?” she asked as calmly as possible.
“Are you the boss here?” Joko asked politely as he handed her his name card. “It’s really cool. Your studio, I really love it. Are you a photographer?” he asked looking at her straight in the eyes.
His unexpected stare almost made her to lose her cool “No. I’m…I’m the make-up artist. The photographer is at the second storey, if you would like to meet him” she said facing away from him to hide the nervousness.
“No, it’s okay, I was just passing by, maybe I will come back later, if my work is not holding me back. Just want to have a few words with the photographer about some photo taking schedule but anyway, I got to go. Please tell him that I’m looking for him. Thank you.”
The tall man made a quick exit the moment he finished his sentences and soon, his figure seems to have faded among the crowds.
1:30 p.m.
Isabella ran her hand over the beautifully designed gown. The gown she had chose especially for him and wondered what she should do with the gown now. “It would probably become a trash in the closet” she thought to herself, though some part of her, hoping that she could do something better to it.
Just then, as she pulled up the long gown to make herself easier to move, she realized that she had not worn the heels she bought for the occasion. Instead, she was wearing an old slipper that she had brought from the studio.
It was then that she knew they were never intended to be one, despite of the fate that had twined its way around them. “I knew it, except that I never know it will end this way” she said to herself, bitterly.
After their several meeting up, the two eventually found themselves attracted with one another. For a moment Joko seems to have found himself a good friend who understands him inside out and that makes him happy.
All these while, ever since the missing of his best pal, Ian who was believed to have lost his life in an airplane accident, Joko had turned himself into a completely different person. He has no time for family, no time for friends, no time for other interest except for his work. His work seems to be the only source of comfort for him, for as long as he was occupied with so many things in mind, it will gives him no time to think about the ugly truth that his friend was no longer alive.
Thus, after committing themselves to one another, they decided to tie the knot.
Unfortunately, what Joko never knew was, putting aside the outer appearance of his bride to be, was the man he was grieving for.
It was of Ian’s request that the hospital made an agreement to call and informed Joko that his best friend was pronounced dead, when he decided to make a change of himself into the woman she is now, which happened to be the day the airplane crash. Thus, the man decided to make that as a false testimony to tell his friend, so that he will not come searching for him during the time he was undergoing the makeover.
Ian had always admired his friend Joko, but little did he knows that it soon turned out to be an addiction, then an obsession which eventually controlling his mind to look at him more as a lover than a friend. Ian had wondered in his corrupted mind what would make Joko notice him, the beautiful side of him, the side of him, who loves to paint his nails instead of fixing the computer, the side of him, who loves bubble bath instead of muddy rain. And this desire of wanting to make his friend to notice him, made him to go the extra mile as to turn himself into a new creature beyond the law of nature. All these he did it for the sake of love from the one man he wishes to be with.
Unfortunately, as the days passed by and the day of the occasion is getting near, Isabella was filled with fears; the fear of shame, the fear of disappointment, the fear of being out casted, the fear of insanity, and most of all the fear of hate.
Thus, knowing that she would not be able to carry on with her life as freely as she wanted it to be, she decided to give up her love for him.
8:00 P.M.
Isabella looked at the stars that shine above her and wondered how to live her life once again. Mixtures of feelings had clouded her broken heart.
She thinks back of the days she spent with Joko as a friend and as a lover, and she felt that it was all useless, for she had fulfilled nothing in the end. She may have his love, but she had failed to buy his trust and future. He may have his trust but he had failed to attract his attention.
Confused as she already is, Isabella wondered what she could do to bury it all…
Meanwhile, in the silence of the church, a man sat with drooped shoulders. He looked at the picture his bride had left for him, it was the picture of him and his dead friend, Ian, and wondered; why he didn’t realize it earlier…maybe he would have saved him.
Monday, January 4, 2010
balik lagi ke spore, sekolah lagi, sekolah lagi....
tinggal 5 minggu yuliana, bersabarlah...
Kali ini pulang indo kaya anak tolol, gara gara sakit, jadi bengong bengong di rumah nga ngapa ngapain...lupa segala macem...sampe sampe lupa beliin barang buat temen temen haha
Untung pada akirnya bisa seneng seneng makan CPK sama Edwin dan Vina dan Lia dan Ping2, dan Lady Catt plus Pei Pei...makan 6-7 potong pizza yg berbeda beda plus pasta n salad...
Dah lama nga makan gitu banyak...
taun baruan gara gara sakit sakitan, nga gitu bisa makan banyak....
padahal satenya tempting abis...haha
Malah akirnya minum minumnya yg banyak haha
pulang langsung "BLUK" tidur sampe besok pagi...
WOHOOO!!!! a new day!!!! =)))))))
Terus, hari terakir sebelom pulang, masih ada waktu ketemuan sama Belinda, makan di Soho, minum Grandma's homemade lemon tea yg sudah mulai berkurang rasa wahhh nya hahaha...cuman sorbetnya sih enak...apa lagi banana cakenya haha asik....
Malemnya masih bisa enak enakan makan waffle and pancake!!!!!
2 in one...asik...
cuman bete
wafflenya kok di masukin ke kulkas sih jadi nga wahh deh...
nga lembek gitu lho...
Cuman makan di bawah kinciran bak Moulin Rouge, boleh juga...haha
ada acara spot light segala lagi haha
Anyway, got to go...
balik lagi dengan post yg lebih bermutu ntar ok...
Yuliana =)
balik lagi ke spore, sekolah lagi, sekolah lagi....
tinggal 5 minggu yuliana, bersabarlah...
Kali ini pulang indo kaya anak tolol, gara gara sakit, jadi bengong bengong di rumah nga ngapa ngapain...lupa segala macem...sampe sampe lupa beliin barang buat temen temen haha
Untung pada akirnya bisa seneng seneng makan CPK sama Edwin dan Vina dan Lia dan Ping2, dan Lady Catt plus Pei Pei...makan 6-7 potong pizza yg berbeda beda plus pasta n salad...
Dah lama nga makan gitu banyak...
taun baruan gara gara sakit sakitan, nga gitu bisa makan banyak....
padahal satenya tempting abis...haha
Malah akirnya minum minumnya yg banyak haha
pulang langsung "BLUK" tidur sampe besok pagi...
WOHOOO!!!! a new day!!!! =)))))))
Terus, hari terakir sebelom pulang, masih ada waktu ketemuan sama Belinda, makan di Soho, minum Grandma's homemade lemon tea yg sudah mulai berkurang rasa wahhh nya hahaha...cuman sorbetnya sih enak...apa lagi banana cakenya haha asik....
Malemnya masih bisa enak enakan makan waffle and pancake!!!!!
2 in one...asik...
cuman bete
wafflenya kok di masukin ke kulkas sih jadi nga wahh deh...
nga lembek gitu lho...
Cuman makan di bawah kinciran bak Moulin Rouge, boleh juga...haha
ada acara spot light segala lagi haha
Anyway, got to go...
balik lagi dengan post yg lebih bermutu ntar ok...
Yuliana =)
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