Good morning. 9:44 a.m. a very very early morning, with nice weather here in Macpherson or the area where I stay =)
Anyway, what had been a long waiting Saturday eventually turned out to be a fun and interesting day. Hehe, with more than fifteen people turning up, and a few faces that I know, hehe, I felt so much comfortable.
Okay...I was too early...lol, pros and cons (RP screwed me already with its 15 mins before starting time policy) So, I waited and be
fore long, a few people come, and few more, and a few more...and a lot more...and soon enough a whole crowd beginning to form as we made our way towards the tram station to Sentosa, Siloso Beach!
The time was about 10:30 a.m. when we reached Siloso Beach.
For a
starter, we played ice breaking games, playing, singing, dancing, hopping, shaking, grooving and walking in a circle.

It was very entertaining.

And ohh., before I forget, we even saw a halo shaped rainbow circling around the sun that day. We were in the middle of stationing ourselves when Ko Hendra shouted, "semuanya ada rainbow di atas kepala kita, cuman bentuknya halo" (everyone, there's a halo shaped rainbow above) For a second, I thought he was joking, till i looked up and there it was, exactly above all of us, a beautiful circle rainbow, like an angel's halo could be seen circling around the brightly lit sun.
Let's see, what shall we do today?
Freak! for one thing I know, I will have to go for fyp meeting, which, of all things, I dreaded the most. Before, I will be free to shop with an old friend at 313 =)

It was 8:45 a.m. when I arrived at the platform of harbor front MRT station, on Saturday, 28th August 2010.
I looked around for the faces of GKY members and found no one around. So I called the person in charge, Melissa, (=p the only person I know with the contact number recorded in my mobile phone ) and found out, to my greatest relief that i was in the right station, except that maybe the people will be arriving in a little while.

The time was about 10:30 a.m. when we reached Siloso Beach.
For a

It was very entertaining.
that, we proceeded on to play 'name naming' games, after we self introduce ourselves to one another, got divided in a group got challenged to remember and recall other people's name in another's team and if one soul is unable to remember or mistaken the other person's name,(like what happen with one of my team mates) then that fella will be shot with water gun. (The beginning of getting wet from head to toe)

Gee, enough with the water gun attack, we moved on to play guessing game, and carried on further with going out in the 'wild' to explore the different station and different games placed in that station.
First station is a disaster, we had to dig out some bits and pieces of puzzle's piece that were buried underneath a thick sand, and made out the picture of the puzzle, in order to get the clue for the next post station. (it reminded me of amazing race) =) COOL!
After we got the clue, we were each given a picture of unknown ladies doing some dance/God knows what (aerobic, maybe) which we were to follow and showed in on the next station. Individually first, followed by the whole team.
Lol. I have to admit that at times like that, in order to get the score, all sorts of shy nerves that are present in the body turns numb , and the un-embarrassed nerves turns in. Everybody's f
ace and action was so comical then, that everyone can't stop laughing. LOL LOL.

Next, an even more exciting adventure'. We were told to stand in circle, and to take turns, squeezing sea-water out of a medium-size sponge with our butt. B-U-T-T BUTT! and nothing else. There was a moment of 'huh' session for everyone, but at the end of the day, again, for the sake of winning the game and ending that post quickly, everyone just butted in and butted out.
(pic: Inigo squeezing out water to pail)
Throughout the game session, I was not wearing my slipper for the sake of feeling the softness and hotness of the sand as well as easy reference to run! hahaha

The last station before we went back to have some delicious, yummy lunch (and of course getting more wet than just wet) three of us were told to hold on to a pail of holes(my goodness), with one member to help bringing in the water from the sea, and another member to answer questions given by the game instructor.
Team that was able to answer the question correctly will have the chance to scoop in as much water from the sea as the carrier is able to carry and to toss the water from a given boundary into the hole-y pail held by the other three members, with feet! BARE FEET! (sadis juga ya permainannya haha)
HAHA, sure you can imagine what had happened. lol
As a result, everyone had a wild wild wet experience! =9
As a result, everyone had a wild wild wet experience! =9

And ohh., before I forget, we even saw a halo shaped rainbow circling around the sun that day. We were in the middle of stationing ourselves when Ko Hendra shouted, "semuanya ada rainbow di atas kepala kita, cuman bentuknya halo" (everyone, there's a halo shaped rainbow above) For a second, I thought he was joking, till i looked up and there it was, exactly above all of us, a beautiful circle rainbow, like an angel's halo could be seen circling around the brightly lit sun.
It was a rare occassion, and it was a beautiful, magnificent,
indescribable sensation. Thanked God for that!

I guess He had surely heard our prayers and Himself was smiling as He saw us playing, and digging, and tossing water, and squeezing water and getting ourselves wet and laughing and most of all, worshipping Him, as we celebrate the welcoming of new youths in the

so, obviously, after a half day's of hard work and fun, we went back to the first station and filled the growling 'feed me feed me' stomach with nasi putih, and rendang, and perkedel, tambah cabe! hahaha asik deh =)