Walking alone.
Listening to songs.
Going to the Library.
Sitting by the couch of the library and reading one books after another for hours.
Walking up and down the aisles of the Library bookshelves and trace my fingers along the many titles found in the shelves.
These are my favourite things.
To be able to wake up in the morning to the sound of nothing but the quietness of the morning sun shining into the house, brightening up the whole room; sipping a cup of coffee while thinking of nothing but being in the presence of God and with God.
Reading the bible.
Meditating it.
Re-read. And re-read. And re-phrasing it in my mind...the beauty of God's words...
These are my favourite things.
To embrace the morning sun with a good smile and with squinted eyes looking at it bravely as I stand staring at the sun to capture the best moment of it's ray shining.
These are my favourite things.
To sit in front of a musical notes and moving my fingers up and down the piano keyboards.
Practising the same songs over and over and over and over again till the right tune came into sound.
To discover how I should positioned my hands appropriately so as to make a good soothing sound without making a single pause of unneccessary stacato...
These are my favourite things.
To hear the sounds of my favourite singers singing their best songs out and soothingly over the speaker.
To be lost in the power of their voices and floats away in the mist of their souls.
These are my favourite things
To read as many books as I can.
Finding myself loving nothing but the book that I am reading.
To get lost in the characters, and plots and settings.
Laughing now and then as the author played around with their words creatively.
These are my favourtite things.
But before I know it, somewhere in time, I had found myself losing touch with these things that I love the most. When and How I didnt know. But some part of me had been missing all these things that I have been doing and just like a big hole in my heart, something seems to swallow it all away.
Of all the things that I love to do.
I miss writing the most.
To write. And to re-write.
To read and re-write whenever is applicable.
To think of the best words to descript something without using repetition.
I miss writing the most.
It seems like my brain had turned so dull and empty that nothing came out of me each time I want to write.
I miss writing my fiction.
I miss writing my captions.
I miss writing my own creations of words, phrases, plots, characters, dialogues...
Damn I miss my writing.
I miss my reading.
I wish I can write again.
I wish I can write the way I've written again.
Written by,