Friday, October 18, 2013

Grace so Sweet

Wohoo..Blog time!
before I go to bed.
HEE HEE... Finally after a week of helker skelter emotions in between happiness-tensions-anxieties-and-uncertainties, at last, I can HEAVED OUT a HUGE sigh of relief PHEW.... ^^

So...what happened to me?
Well...the good news: I'VE FINALLY GOT MYSELF EMPLOYED!!!!!! :DDDDD as a corporate communication executive and an executive editor assistant and I will be in charge in all things WRITING! (with some other administrative and public related works. wohoooo...) Moreover, with my all time desire to serve God, this job that I will be working on is also gonna be MY FIRST TIME FULL-TIME MINISTRY outside church! Ain't that AMAZZZZING-ZING ZING ZING???


Finally, after six months of resignation and six months of waiting (impatiently at times) for the right job to come my path, I got myself a good one. A brilliant one! A real answered prayer.

It was really a solid six months of waiting for Kairos - God's timing. And though at times I have to admit, I found myself feeling doubtful, worried and impatient, God taught me to be calm. To be patient. To trust in Him.

I first realized my Heart's Passion to serve God when I had just finished my service in the hospital I was working at, and joined a seminar conducted by my church's preacher on S.H.A.P.E by Eric Rees. It was a seminar to discover your Spiritual gifts, Hearts' Passion, Abilities, Passion and Experiences. It was a 2 months seminar which I really enjoyed and I really blessed to join as, it was through that seminar, I discover my Heart's Passion.

I was being made to re-discover once again my Heart's Passion and what I really want to do in life (for God). I realized that as always, I want to be a writer, yes, but I want to be a writer for God.
Not just a random writer chasing for datelines. Or a cynical writer meant to criticize, but a writer who through the beauty of written words, craft with words, the words of encouragements, truths and insperations. And as a Christian, I want to be used for God.

So I prayed.
And I brough that prayer to Him who direct me to my church mentor and the speaker of the seminar, who in turn, showed great support in my desire, and introduced me the job that I am about to begin next week.

What an Amazing Grace.
To think that this is going to be my first full time ministry. And to think about it, I mean... who am I? I think up to this point as I am writing this post, I cannot really give you a definite answer to who am I that God allows to be used as His instrument. But then again, by grace, I am given the opportunity. By grace, I am abled.

Frankly speaking, I have never thought of this grace when I was waiting for the call for an interview throughout those one month of waiting in seemingly vain wait (after I made the application). I can tell you that while waiting, all I care about was, 'hopefully I can get a job and I can get it done and over with' kinda attitude. I mean.. I dont know why, but perhaps even while waiting, I was still not surrendering.
I was still self-relying.
I was still doubtful.

And in that moment, God actually showed me his grace. He taught me to relax. He taught to believe in Him. To wait on Him. And to see the surprise He has for me. While I still fret and worry, God is preparing His plan for me. How truly amazing is His Grace.

Up to today and yesterday when I took the time to navigate my way around from home to the office, I found myself standing in awe of His grace for giving me such an easy to go location, with more than one access to get to. And though it is a long journey, yet, I believe it is a journey meant to be filled with moments with God.

The office, a humble small from the outside, spacious on the inside building, is located among the hussles and buzzzles of the surrounding neighbourhoods, which I believe not all of them are believers, and perhaps some of them may not even know that Eagles Centre, a Christian Organization, meant to aspire truth of God to the world, (actually) exist. I mean, what a beautiful modern depiction of Jesus Christ born among the dirt and fouls of the stable, in the humble, yet busy town of Bethlehem ( there was no room for Joseph and Mary that night) (Luke 2:7)

Well, this is what it looks like to me when I was looking for the location the day I gotten the call for an interview.

Just like the maggi, I travelled all the way to this place in Bukit Merah, a place I have never visited, and there among the husstles and busstles of the people going about doing their own thing in their own neighbourhood, shouting, buying, selling, talking, pushing etc. my father and I looked around for the named location. I walked here and there, asking for directions and just as we are about to give up, I looked up and there I saw the sign board of where the company is located.

Up the old escalator, and a flight of stairs, I saw EAGLES CENTRE standing 'quietly', humbly. For a moment I think I understand what the Magis feel when they saw the newborn king led by the stars.
Just like them as they searched and travelled desperately, from the Eas tto meet the newborn King, the Prophesied Messiah- I... looked at the company, the long awaited job and thanked God for the call.

It was a precious moment on my part, I would say. I never regard a company until like that. (I mean like...duh...) And then, the interviewed took place, 3 times on different occassions and soon, after going through another rounds of prayers and prepartions and conviction and questionings, finally, last night on Thursday, 17th October 2013, a message came to me, it was one week after my final interview, and two weeks, almost 3 after my first, (the 2nd took place 2 days before the third, on the 8th Oct, final int. on 10th)
I received a message from my interviewer, soon to be my supervisor, who told me that I am to report to work on 21st October, at 9:30 a.m sharp...WELCOME TO EAGLES!

It was like a "WOHOOOOOO!!!!!!" MOMENT for me. Up to this moment I think I have not really shouted enough. Lol.

Anyway, the message was a great news after a week of helker skelter emotions that I mentioned above, because you know why? The day I got my final interview, my grandma was admitted to the hospital for difficulty of breathing. She is 86 years old, and her respiratory system which gets weaken over the ages, has not been able to function well, and as a result made her unable to breathe well.

She was in so much pain and discomfort that we as her family members were afraid that we may lose her.

But again, thanks be to God, He allows us some more time to be with Amah (Grandma in dialect) and after a week of being hospitalised, she is discharged and now resting well at home. :)

Hmm...Indeed. It is good to have God as part of our lives.
I mean as He had promised He knows the plans He has for us and it is plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) And as the old hymn say, Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...

God's grace, is truly, SWEET :)

Love and Peace,
Me :)