Blood. Fangs. Black Cape. These are all that happened in this story book about dracula by the famous horror writer R.L. Stine!!!
I really love this story book as this is the first time i get encountered with such a hair raising yet charming creature of the night. The Dracula. Trevor Fier is that handsome and gentle dracula. Somehow, when u read about it, u can feel sad for him as unlike the other deadly creatures, he is one of the tame one. (rare eh?) and his story is kind of heart breaking. Therefore, if you hope to find out more about his life and love for the girl of his dream Elenor, you may want to put a side sometime to flip the pages from this book.
( once again...gee it is an old book of Stine, and the only one i kept in my shelf. because it is just so bloody good!!! )
lol, i know this is crazy, but because of this book, several times in the past i used to love dracula and hope to meet one like trevor. luckily, i cast away the spell out of me already and in love with humans now...hahahaha ( but if can meet dracula? nice one? y not hahaha )
ok tank u everyone for ur time and attention.
byeeeeeeeeeeeeee and take care
You love draculas??i love vampire...isnt they the same...i just love vampires very much..plus backflip,the love of my life..haha...why do you like vampire??
haha tanks for the comment...i like vampires i tink they are sexy and engaging to read haha the scary is madness
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