Thursday, September 25, 2008
so today, hm....its kind of a pretty interesting day, where we were suppose to be going for this dinning etiquette when the lecture room was filled with a lot of curious humans...interesting...
and unfortunately for us, me and my three other friends, because we were at the back end of the dragon quuee, we were somehow about to give up hope of getting in, when one of my friend, who is the supervisor in Diploma of Hospitality, the one that organise the talk, she grabbed us and let us in. however, i doubt that they tapped our Ez-link card for the damn points we need to fulfill...=s i dont know...but anyway, it was kinda embarrassing the idea of walking into a room full of people and their eyes on you, as u searched around looking for seats...awws....just that the idea of pushing our way through the crowds to get in, was somewhat interesting...because it makes me think like we were going to a concert...=) yeah and just as i tot it was gonna be the worst part of me for presentation today, as i was kinda lost with the prolem statement; just nice, the lecturer changed her mind..and let us go for a quiz game instead...hahahaha that was close...and somehow, after the lesson, im glad to announce that i manage to get some clue about demand curve and supply curve!!!! YEAH!!!
okay and thats all for cousin is glaring at me haha as he pretended to read the newspapaer...and waitiing for me to finish my last sentence...=p
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
the time now is 11:16 p.m. time to sleep soon. before my panda eyes emerged even darker...
currently listening to Kevin Kern's ' After the rain' it is so soothing and just enough to lull the mood of the night. especially with his light stacato effect that made it like as if little creatures jumping, splashing on the puddle of rain water. Thats so cute.
yeah, after sometime of listening to hard core rock music, and a combination of Korean songs, now as i listened to Classical and Pop ballads again, it just seemed so sweet. Classic is just the best way to soothe the far so good for the day or the days to come. actually there are some pictures that i would like to upload here in this blog, but, as the night is currently not so young anymore, i decided to save that for my next visit here.
I dont know either what's my purpose in writing the blog today, i guess just to kill time so as to fall asleep soon. =)
so far, things are not too bad, though it is not too good either. There were times when i missed certain things or certain humans so much...and sometimes i wish times could fly faster so that things could be done fast...and soon i will be able to him again...hehe and i know this is kinda not so related, haha, but currently with no mood or insperation to write...haha i just feel so bored. but not too bad, at least i manage to finish 'Fade Away' which is a good achievements...hehe and ya im sorry if there were some typos in between the wordings...i had been a one man show of being both writer and editor at the same time..and though i had corrected some of the plot, or words usage, but i think there were some missing words, here and there..and im so sorry about that...been finding time to correct it, but unable to. =p
Im so sick of my cough that had not been recovering since God knows when...and im so pissed because i cant sing along with every song i heard, or talk continuously without makes me feel like an old woman...i hate it...and of course worst of all, i couldnt eat CHIPSSSS!!!! which is sucks, but anyway, since there is some problem with the food products because of what happened to China's milk issue, its not a big deal anyway...because things are getting weird and dangerous..and i dont feel so bad either, because i cant eat it anyway...=9 but the worst part of all was, the idea of eating all the bitter-sweet-sour medicines....arghhhh im sick of it...especially the chinese medicine....bwek....XP but i do miss chocolates...haha there were some chocs that we bought earlier at Candy Empire, Vivocity...and i missed the great taste of it...freak...i couldnt even get a bite...when all those chocs are stocking up in my 'pantry' and counting their days off to be expired...damn..i hate it when i need to throw uneaten food that had expired, especially chocolates in particular...hahahaha
and next books...haha there had been a couple of books that lined up my shelves..which i had left unfinish...oppps....and now, i wanted to read more...and about Harry Dresden files especially he is just so funny...i cant take my eyes of that guy man...and another book that i have to finish before carrying on to the next one will be 'Heart Shape Box' haha the ghost is madness and i like it so much, especially when you read it in the bathroom, when the clouds are about to fall out droplets of rain...haha nice atmosphere...haha it made you tremble.
and yeah, a few days ago, i was so happy because i dreamt of my favourite mytical creature of all time, The Vampires and Ware-Wolf haha in my dream both vampires and wolf are hotzzzz....haha and i really wished to continue the dream, but too bad, the night went too fast...and the morning came to soon...and i had to leave my sweet dreams behind...haiz....the ware wolf is super duper hot u know...i'm in love with it man...
okay, now the time is 11:45 pm. and im going off soon...hehe and last song for the day is music mastermind of all time...and im listening to his 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' version..which is so cute and it a soft touch on the piano...soothing the ears as well as the soul...i bet another wonderful dream tonight...this time a date with the wolf hahaha he is hot really HOT !!!! hahaha
okay, enough crap for the day...and so, good night everyone...take care now, bye bye then...=)
God Bless and sweet dreamz people!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
then after she managed to calm herself, we gave the cake to her, so that she could make a wish and then cut the cake...hehehe and honestly speaking, in her class, we really made a great din, but it was a great din we made though hehe where it was full of laughters and jokes...
Monday, September 15, 2008
like an angel that never falls asleep

Sunday, September 14, 2008
meals for the day
thats all for today, good night people
take care and God bless =)
*credit goes to God in a way. =)
Thank You for Your words for today. i'll try to be strong and mould myself better. and in times of trouble, please hold me in the right path and made me not to stir away from Your way only. and i know i'm wrong. i shouldnt have said those words and i shouldnt have think that way. i shouldnt have hid myself away from You just because i was ashamed of myself. I hope that the quotes can help me everyday. Thank You God for always giving me a second chance. =)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lost Items found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable rates. No love Potions, Endless Purses, or other entertainment.
yeah these are basically the factors Harry Dresden would do to advertise himself. Being a wizard living on earth Harry is always asked to investigate things that seemed not scientifically proven. and normally, it was all considered, or relate back to Magic.
Because for some Magic- It can get a guy Killed.
this book is really engaging and funny in a lot of ways, especially the way Harry Dresden talked. he was so comical and full of unexpected jokes; that creates the story not only mysterious, but amusing in a way or another. and i was so glad that even at the last page, Harry didnt failed to make me laugh. Jim Butcher is a really great writer despite his background as a computer support techician.
and as i said on my prev post, im really looking forward to read about Harry Dresden again in his next book. 'Fool Moon'
and so people, in case you found yourself stuck with some mystery that you think you cant solve, hehe give Harry Dresden a call. " I'm in the book" he said. =)
Monday, September 8, 2008
nice clouds 2

the one with the orange ray of the sunset is my favourite of all time...=) i took that during one of the school holidays, which i forgotten when, but somehow it was somewhere in between 6-6:30/7 p.m and my family and i was on our way back home from a day of having fun, and was at the traffic light near the Jackson Kopitiam there, ya, and that was the time i saw this magnificent beauty of nature. i was so happy to see the orange ray of the sunlight that i dont give a care if the cars next to ours were looking at me as i snapped it down. ( yeah i took that picture inside the car; and i was glad that it looked good.) and this sunset scenery, somehow, reminds me of Africa rays. hehe like the one you seen in a tv shows and all the girraffes and zebras were like running their way to welcome the day and went to the nearby pool for a drink. yeah haha it just looked so great !!!!
nice clouds i took over the years

then again another evening view (the one with the net) yeah, i took this like a few months ago on my vacation back to Indonesia. and in order to get a good snap of it i went all the way up to the third storey of my house and stood near the roof top before finally capturinf it in my handphone little box.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
going to sleep soon, but for the time being as i was unable to sleep,i feel like posting something here.and just as i was listening to Secondhand Serenade, i was somehow, manage to get some insperation from their song fall for you. though i dont know if i really want to write about it, maybe i will.
and currently still listening to him, i think he is a really good singer, and his lyrics are interesting.
besides that, just want to share a little bit about what happened in school after the new semester start, well, so far so good and i'm glad that i was somehow manage to adapt to the new environment and managed to make some friends. hehe
at first i was afraid and feeling kinda class-sick haha as i entered the new classroom, but soon i was glad that i manage to push aside the fear. which is good. =)
today,my family and i we had a great feast at Dan Ryan haha and i ate again the delicious American buffalo wing and something merkel anyway, a nice steak. haha and the moment we reached home, hehe we had a fun talk and jokes a lot, before finally i hooked on dong wan haha. looking at his face is really nice. this afternoon too i spent sometime looking at him as he played in this variety show and the way he explained something in english really tickled me. mannnnn i really love to see the way he laughs....=) what a pity he will have to go to the camp soon. =( i will definitely miss him.
and yeah not much to say somehow, because i dont really do many things, and well, perhaps due to the hazy weather, it made me somewhat sleepy and lazy to talk.Anyway, i was somewhat hungry again...haha hunger i guess i will go downstairs and made myself a cup of hot chocolate =9 before i entered into the dream world.
i hope i have a good night sleep today and had a really wonderful dream...hehe
and ya, i guess, time to spend sometime with God too, i have not been praying well these days and i think hehe time to show some gratitude after all the blessing He had given me all these while..hehe okay good night and God bless. ;)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
thanks to...

KIM DONG WAN!!!! yeah applause applause applause....
because of his song, i was able to feel how a man is feeling especially when he had lost the love of his life. if you notice, on my previous posts, i did posted a lyrics by his song, the one with 'A Man's Love' yeah, i got the insperation and the whole character from that song...hehe ya somehow, the character can be imagined as Kim Dongwan himself; who is also a musician in reality...hehe and he is not bad looking after all hahaha
yeah so once again, i hope that you can enjoy the story that had at last manage to finish after a year of planning...hehe ;) thank you.
I love you KIM DONG WAN!!!!! YOU ROX BABE!!!! =9