yeah these cummulus clouds i took during my spring cleaning at the end of the semester in 2006. though the school permitted us from using handphone during lesson time, gee, but due to the rare secenery, i heck care the school law and carry on taking it. of course with a fast movement so as not to create any chaos...in case the discipline master walked past and caught me red handed...
next the picture of evening view if im not mistaken i took that from the balcony at my house. i was just finish doing something and was walking out of the room when i saw this picturesque scenery before my very eyes and decided to have a copy of it so that i can look at it forever. somehow, it really depict like the scenery of heaven, where things seems so beautiful and peaceful.
the next picture the one smaller in size, i took early one morning, before i went for tuition in 2006 yeah, and i was so bedazzled by the shape of the cloud that appeared to look like the shape of a dolphin or a hunchback whale.
then again another evening view (the one with the net) yeah, i took this like a few months ago on my vacation back to Indonesia. and in order to get a good snap of it i went all the way up to the third storey of my house and stood near the roof top before finally capturinf it in my handphone little box.
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