hi everyone, im back
and today im here to tell u the meaning behind my story entitled
"Dreams And Lives"
yeah so why dreams and lives
well the idea of this is to
let readers look at the things in a two different angle
between dreams and lives
okay, lets start on with dreams because that is the first
idea that appeared in my mind that made me create this story
yeah, so, dreams just like life,
there are various experienced in dreams.
sweet dreams, bad dreams, tiring dreams ( the one that made you run in ur dream, u know, as if u are chased.)
just like life that is not a bed of roses, dreams too can be nasty at times.
so, in this story if you look at it in dream point of view,
those moments when the character was flying,
floating and seeing stars above the clouds,
she was having a sweet dream
because things seems slow, calm and certain
however, as she faced with all the
unpleasant feeling of being suffocated, and deafened by
the screams, and all the unplesantness
thats basically a rough idea of what happen when
you face a nightmare.
then you notice there is "a blank" in between the story
and thats when after nightmare sometimes, as our eyes twitch or our body move, and the eyes open, the nightmare was gone and away from us, before we fall asleep again and dreamt another good dream which made us smile in the morning and forget about the bad dream.
on the other hand, if you look at it
in life point of view, once again
those beautiful sensation that the girl manage to feel, was those moment in life when things went smooth and maybe dull for us or too beautiful for us to continue each day.
however, as it reached a point where you have to face some troubles in life, that was when things began to fall apart and you tend to be in fear and out of breath, because bad things seemed to attack you in all direction.
yeah, and again "a blank' is when probably things began to slow down as you/we try to solve it slowly,
and things began to settle down, and we are able to take a breath when soon things began to get better, and we manage to smile and those "comforting smile" and "calming song" belongs to the smile of those people around us that help us out and who are there to care for us.
yeah so thats the rough idea, about what happen in life and why i said its a calming song, because when those troubles are away from us, just like a slow song that soothes the mood, we were able to feel comfortable and no longer so uptight and breathless. and soon, after sometime, things began to "fall deep into the dark and everything's a black out" that refers to death. in life people died, and when we died, all is a black out because we closed our eyes and everything come to a halt.
and in dreams, everything become a black out when we wake up and the dream is no longer appearing in our mind. it stops and we no longer able to dream of it again.
yeah so basically thats what happen behind the story and i know it may sounds kinda confusing, but it is really a good reading...and a good story i manage to make yesterday and im kinda proud about it though because this story is beyond my comfort zone. =) yeah so i hope u will like it too. =) and i m glad that i manage to write like a poet hehe =D
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