Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Beautiful Scent
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Been dreading to finish this book despite of the fact that it is very very interesting fantasy kind of book.
Never thought that coming to an end, made me to dread on even more!!!!
It's just seems like I don't want to end the journey so soon... LOL
Neil Gaiman is the best man!!!!
The best children/ teenagers/ fictional writer alive!!!!
Love his creation!!!
A brand new surprises everyday...
Door, Islington, Hunter, Lamia the Velvets, Richard Mayhew, Lears, Croup and Vandemar
Even the names are fantastic and magical in their own way...
I really wonder how will the Night Market look like =p
And how tall and mystical is the Marquis De Carabbas.
The best after Coraline and The Graveyard book...
LoL struggling to finish the Graveyard book lol
Loves Nobody Owen as well...and his guardian, the solitary type, Silas
Whimsical Whimsical!!!!!
Just love it!!!!
Really really love it!!!!
Anyway, time to
got to hunt down my book before it's too late...
hehe in search for 'The Last Song' by Nicholas Sparks!!!
And last but not least, huahaha, it was a surprise yesterday when I opened up the Christmas Present and found myself holding on to the make up Manual by Bobbi Brown!!!!
For a moment I was lost about who Bobbi Brown is until I saw the word make up manual, and I was like "kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"
guess that's what happen when you got a SURPRISE!!!!!
Love and Peace,
Horrible horrible
It is Christmas Eve...and I am not the slightest happy...
Nope, not until the whole computer thing crashed and turned my whole mood upside down!
Damn laptop!
I dont know why the hell is it always making trouble at times when I need to do something important!
And it always crash at the elevnth hour.
The last time it crashed, was a few days before my first draft submission.
In the middle of the night, with no fucking human being around to help me solve the problem.
In fact, what the hell did I get? huh? I got a whole lot of nagging...
and half of my already written words gone!
This time it crashed even worst than before, and it is just the time when I am about to leave the country and I have to have this damn thing with me for the submission due the beginning of the year...The whole thing just seemed to vanish in front of my damn face and I just got to wait and patiently wait for it to re install itself, only to find that it is back to zero again.
And with the public holiday coming up and with weekend coming, and with my flight waiting for me for the weekend get away for the next one week in Indo, again, I was left to wait...till the school reopen then I can get this damn thing fix!
Well, not to say that there's nothing left for me to smile least, I was glad that I managed to get in contact with the It help desk who broke the bad news, but revive it back with a little better news when they managed to give me the password for the usename called admin. At least that precious few words managed to unlock the dead comp and allow me to at least get into it.
However, the bad thing is, I have to get back to school to the help desk asap the morning when school starts and seek some help to get back my user id and actual password. As well as maybe the rest of all the other things I have lost, and unfortunately unable to fit in the back up hard drive.
I got so pissed each time my laptop crached. I dont know why, though I dont personally admit that I love my laptop as much. But it just hurts me man...maybe is the fact that is it mine. Or maybe is the fact that it contains my hard work all these while. All the sleepless nights I spent, thinking and writing away. and it hurts. It hurt me each time I have to learn the fact that perhaps it may be gone...
Though some people my just tell me, 'c'mon man, you are the writer, you can just re-write that' but no...I cant. I dont think I can. because, the feeling is just different. The feeling of re-writing and writing for the first time is just different, because it is just not as right. It is just not as acute as the first time you write them.
The thrill and the actual process of putting your whole mind and soul into each creation word by word, it's different. and for that particular reason I'm sad. This not the first time, nor is it the second. This is the I dont know how many times...but I just wish that I dont need to feel this pain again.
I hate it. I really hate it.
Moreover, to think that I have to face this kind of shit in the middle of Christmas Eve, cursing, shouting, speaking in an angered tone. I hate it.
I really hate it!
For the past few weeks, and months, I have been in deep shit.
But just as I thought I would not be able to celebrate the festive season beautifully, I was given a ray of hope that I can make it. But again, another thing came up and it spoils the whole mood.
It spoils the whole sensation of Christmas/ or what Christmas is all about.
I really hate it.
How I wish that I could smile right now...
but what is there left to make me smile?
Yeah I got back my damn lap top thing, but so what? it is not yet finish...
and so what, my whole mood has just gone down the drain...
Horrible horrible
This is the first time I found myself not preparing happily for Christmas.
I feel so TERRIBLE!
I just feel so damn terrible.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging;
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging;
Not only green when summer's here,
But also when 'tis cold and drear.
O Christmas Tree! O Ch
ristmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou c
an'st give me;
How often has the Christmas tree
Afforded me the greatest glee!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so
From base to summit, gay and bright,
There's only splendor for the sight.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
And trust in God unchangingly.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee! !"
Congrats!!! (Friends and Boundaries)
this is the best thing to hear isn't it? when you have been damn busy for the past few weeks...and got no control over the works that kept you busy, then suddenly when you make a connection with old friend, you learned all the great updates...and that makes you smile!!!!
I've been reconnecting myself with old friends and yesterday I learned that my primary school bestties is now a cheerleader in her uni and will be having a competition soon!!! SEXY!!!!
and today when I was text messaging with my another bestties, I learned that she is currently working in a hotel!!!! too excited I forgotten to ask the respective names of their actual venues lol...but anyway, IT WAS JUST DAMN DAMN DAMN GREAT TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE ALL DOING PERFECTLY SUPERB!!!!! YEEAHHH!!!
For Rahayu especially, she had been under a lot of storm...and that had worried me many many...we are distant and thus, it is not easy for us to meet up...except through phone calls...however, due to the storm that I have myself as well...with some issue in school, among mates, works and all all, I have not been able to keep in touch with her...
In fact, for the past few weeks I have been burdened with so many things...
the burden of sadness, the burden of lost, burden of fear, and anger, and disappointment, and shame and arrogance, and ignorance, the burden of helplessness...
And in fact due to some issue in school, had caused the friendship that had been built to the test.
Honestly, I almost giving it up to the wind and the year end rain...however, just as I was about to give up, things seems to come in another way round...I don't know how...but I guess, I at last I managed to learn the lesson behind these storm...
And one of it is Loyalties....
You got that readers? LOYALTIES YO'WL!
why loyalties?
Well at this point of time, what I learned would be well, sometimes you just have to accept people the way they are...though sometimes they may be sucks...and maybe as a friend, what we should do apart from hearing them out, is to shook them up, help them grow...and most importantly, give them a chance to show that they have changed...
and of course by having this loyalties it can helps to melt out the thickened ice between us.
And when I was reading the bible the night before, I learned that it is through faith that you can maintain this acceptance and to carry out this loyalties...
Then I began to think...could it be that at times I was doing the same time my friends had done to God? and if I did, what have I done to make repentance?
then I began to think again could it be that by the moment you had closed the boundary between each other, the need for them to force them to repent and be sorry is not even important fact what matters most is just to be friends again...and to make sure that the ring of friend is no longer be broken...
though of course I hope that through this all they too can learn something...
Anyway, for my friends above, who had told me about the cool thing that had made my day with joy and happiness, RAHAYU AND SHIRLYN, CONGRATULATIONS K GIRLS!!!! YOU ROCKS BABES!!!! and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING WITH ME SUCH A GREAT THINGS ABOUT YOU 2!!!! hopefully I will be able to share some cool stuffs to you people too yeah!!!
Hope to see you soon mamaz!!!!
see ya!!!!

Lights have been everywhere...
and now with the Christmas season around the corner, the lights played an important role for everyone as not only it livened up the mood in the town, it also helped to glamorize the whole appearance of the dull city.
And surprisingly, it has never bore me to the very least...hehe

Lights in the trees, lights on the bow, lights in a string, lights around the building, lights and lights and lights!!!!!
THEY ARE JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! and I can't wait to take more pictures of them...
anyway, I have here with me some pictures of the lights that I had captured... hope it brightened up your day as you see it =)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
I love it!!!!
The soft and gentle tune of the intro made the whole sensation of Christmas comes alive...
It made me think of those flash backs people did during Christmas season, in the morning or in the middle of the night. Be it about a good thing/ simple a reflection of how we have made it through life journey all these while.
As they think, the snow starts falling
blanketing the city...
By the way speaking of life journey, I wonder how long till I have to end it eventually.
I know it seems like a tabboo to say things like this when the new year is about to come and the forgiving season is around the corner. However, it really got me thinking, how fragile one life is...and how fast one month passes after another...
Seeing each and every one of my cousin leaving me behind one after another, I really wonder, how long will I live till I managed to see them again?
Sometimes I wonder, wouldn't it be nice to meet them as soon as possible? At least, it is much better when you have a full complete set of family up there celebrating the Christmas with u, instead of an incomplete batch, that sometimes it got you thinking, missing, the presence of these missing souls, as memories emerged, images of the past revealing's just...unbearable...
Now I think I know how Ebenezer Scrooge is feeling as he witnessed as his past life that was filled with darkness and miseries...all the images that came opening itself from Christmas past,present and future... (or maybe I don't)
However, I just wish that this season, I will get a better insight about what Christmas really is. To think that I have not been spending some time alone with God...
Anyway, I just wish that it will be a season filled with joy, despite of the fact that we will be missing some people in the house...
I wonder, will I be able to see you again?
Funny how I miss you so much...
You know, just like you people, right now I am having the shit of my life...
and I began to wonder, what would you have done if it was turned around to be you?
And I wonder, dearies, could it be that the pain you were feeling that day as much as the pain I am feeling right now?
Except that you are dealing with natural disasters, while mine is a man-made disasters...
Anyway, have yourself a Merry little Christmas up there
with heavenly choirs and feast waiting for you...
Hope we will be able to join you for the great celebration soon...
Merry Christmas
Love Always
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
今天放学后到图书管跟同学们一起分享我们正在做的报告,有说有笑, 非常热闹。
然而当我要离开学校时, 发现一本, 本来觉的很有趣, 对报告有关的书---谁知道那本书根本都没像我想像的那么的有好处。 心里有点失望。
因为以为它会对报告有些好处便 把它借回家, (从学校辛辛苦苦的 背回家)却发现书根本都没那么的有用。 更何况书很重! 我一只手带电脑, 另一只手带着重重的书真的很皮卷咯。
不知为什是四么这几天每次中觉的很累, 也许是应为有很多东西要处理, 应象了我的睡眠。
(应为父母都不在家,用人又是新来的, 所以 就没办法咯, 连家务, 校务前都要处理咯。。。无话可说。。。)
好拉好拉, 时间不早了, 明天还有很多东西要做呢!
Monday, December 7, 2009
chinese entry
不过呢, 我不能跟你门保正 用华 文写 会 写 多 长 虽 然 这是一 个 经步 华 文好的开始。
说 真的我已 经 很 久没 有读或 写文了。
老实 说有点想念。
可 是我这此用 华 文 写字如果 有什么错 字 的话, 请读者愿亮。
我一定 会把华文 搞好。
读者们也可一帮我改正。 不要太凶!
这几天看了一些第八播到的节目, 从企鹅爸爸到当我们同在一起, 我发现自己的华问有点经步。 这希望自己能付出多时间来讲话语。
呵呵。。。要不然日子 久了华文 就会变成乱七八糟。
被谢老师发现的话就 糟糕咯。。。 被骂!
Anyway, 圣诞节要到了!!!! 学校假期 也来到拉呵呵呵 好兴奋!
每此想到要回印尼过新年, 与其他的家人一起庆祝, 还有这次生日会在那里做宴会, 感到非常满足。
平常用英文写因为已经习惯了, 所以就每感觉这么样。
好啦, 等一下我再谈
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I've finally written it all down.
I'm sorry it if was not as good...
In fact, there shouldn't be a reason why it wasn't
and if it does, I better not be sorry...for I have to make a good one out of it.
It should be done almost as good...
I woke up yesterday afternoon in search of you.
I wonder what had gotten into me, for a moment I feel like having you once again.
Maybe it's the dream that reminded me of you.
Maybe is the unfinished story...and it burdened me to think of that it can be finished...
How is it?
What do you think about it?
How are you doing btw?
I really wonder why the hell are we not talking all these while...
how I wish I could have that time with you again...
I really want to talk to you again little brother...
I really do...
I really do...
Till then...
I will miss you...
From the bottom of my heart,
I love you...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A million Little Pieces
is the best best best best dialogue book I ever read in my whole reading life.
Almost half of the first 3 chapters were in dialogues and as someone who had just learned the powerful effect of dialogues on viewers, I am totally amazed by how Frey conveyed his life story using dialogue throughout the whole 3 chapters... SEXY!!!
I really love this book very much...
reading it made me feel a certain shade of empathy and sympathy for the author, as I read forward to seek for the actual desire of the author.
And hemmm....curiosity kills the I am beginning to get confused of which book to buy for myself this Christmas (ahahaha) now that I have got a glimpse of what happen in 'A million little pieces' and it really GLUED ME TO THE PAGE!!!! and that is cool!!!
Haizz haizz haizzz...why do all the good things come this season...
when...I am planning to tighten my belt, they come...
temptation!!!! kyaaaaaaaa
all the CDs that are in stores now are also so cool!!!
with Archuletta, Williams, Cullum (tho not a big fan), Ronan Keating, and more and more...wahhh freak...
Is this a reward for me? after all the hard work I mean?
got to save up lots of money every get a copy of Nicholas Spark's 'The Last Song' (damn it! it was no where to be found at Kino yesterday!!! and it only left 3 copies at Toa Payoh, and a few more at Causeway Point Popular bookstore, and it was having a 20% off! NICE!!!) and so I got to hurry and save up my ten bucks so that I can get it before it was gone!!!
and since Kinokuniya is having a 20% off for members (Privilege only!hahahaha) maybe I could get 'a million little pieces' there! the copies are still a lot and I have browse through for the best one! hehehehe
Anyway, enough promotion!
Happy as a lark
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
who adorable as he seems, he is NOT!!!!
he talked so so so so so so so so much!!!!! exceeding the time limit he was suppose to talk =p
The briefing started at 415 then he talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk TALK AND TALK AND TALK AND TALK!!! in the end, it ended at 615...(when it was stated that it will end at 530. Cheat my heart! ohhh never keep in the time limit, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!)
I have been keep checking on the time because I was afraid that the cake would melt away...
why cant u just summarised it dear faci....
no wonder u are drinking so much before the talk right... lol
Okay, before I ended up being punished by God for bitching about someone older than me in general, I better stop it...
Okay man just want to make things clear here, I don't hate anyone...neither do I feel like hating anyone...except that sometimes haha I just like to disturb people a little bit...HATRED IS NOT IN MY NATURE!!! more to playful...=p (and everybody is playful)
but I mean no harm...seriously...
Adrian is nice...though he is talkative haha (talking too much is not enough to make me pissed off with him...its his gift anyway...LOL)
Haiz...anyway, feel so bored now...sitting in the classroom...
waiting for the day to pass...its gonna be over soon...just got to wait a few more minutes....
but I just cant take it anymore...
I need my sleep!!!
and you know what, yesterday night in fact this morning, around 1a.m when I checked the school website, I saw an email from Adrian and I was dude doesn't need a sleep didn't he? why so on? LOL then I began to wonder..but why the hell didn't he has any trace of panda eyes round his eyes? SO GOOD!!! some other people also...why are they so blessed with good skin? huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu feel so sad here... -______________________-
Anyway, got to go...
have to FOCUS!!! FOCUS!!!
*FYP= funny young people.... (hahahahaha)
why do we have to do this to graduate.....
aihhhh tough tough tough....
my hair is thinning...
what if by the moment I graduated I am bald?
How am I going to attract Brandon? LOL or Pharrell? hahahaha
anyway...if this really happen I will definitely get back to RP and find that Mr. On to give me back my intellectual property!!!! RP can claim the poster as theirs, but I still have to claim my hair!
huahahaha got to go..
love, peace and laugh always people,
Anyway, been searching for presents these days...and to think of it, the older we get, the more difficult we are to determine what sorts of presents we want or wanted to buy for others...
So, the best solution of all will be to provide them with vouchers and some cash in a little cute envelope....or of course if you are rich, a credit card!!! sexy....
Imagine yourself holding on to a golden little card that contain sparkling cash inside for a present!!!
Dream on anyway...
unless someone out there is nice enough to give me that =p just kidding though...
cheesy yeah man, so sorry....
but i was just thinking wouldn't it be nice? I would love to have it someday...
But but but....the good thing is, despite of all the useless dreams and the difficulties in searching for the perfect gift for the one who loves me and I love in return this Christmas, at last, FINALLY PEOPLE, I have managed to get the one for you.
Yeah well, only for you. Meaning. one person.
for the time being. or no, maybe 3 but still yet to find how to get it.
But anyway, at least there is some ideas and progress that I can make me to move on =)
and this makes me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
yeah baby! the idea of presents just thrills me to the bone.
Especially, when I, myself here, had also managed to find the perfect gifts for myself...a reward after all the hard-de work. But again, still yet to wait for the perfect time.
Got to save up some cash first before I go that extent.
How I wish they were here...
my bestties...but what to do...
they are all so far far far away...
and the time is yet to come...
so just got to be patient.
but in a way it is good too...
lol since we are not meeting any time soon..huahaha there's no need for me to buy anything for them this Christmas...(LOL blame it on the distance people bweeeee!!!!) to go...
gotta read up some stuff before I go to sleep.
Had been watching Together these days...well..I dont really like the story line...not yet. But I adore the actors and of course Dai Yang Tian in particular...=p and it is because of that reason I watch lol...
but anyway....good job good job...(clap clap clap)
Got to go....
feel so rubbish here for posting something that is not so educated =(
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
its seems so fast, yet it is only a year.
Ironically, for once it seems like I have almost forgotten about you...
what a shame...
what a shame...
maybe is the fact that there has been so many things that happened in life.
Or maybe the fact that the memories were just so painful that I don't wish to remember it anymore...
But anyway, just a few days ago
I was reminded about you once again.
The image of you
as you strive for your ambitions.
I never really know anything about the planes before
not that it can fly...
and it can explodes...or it contains a black box...
and two days ago, when I looked up on books about aircraft
it was amazing!!!!
I was spellbound to know how cool it was all about.
in fact beyond the level of just cool cool...
As I flipped every pages of the book I was looking through
I could so imagined you sitting among the books reading, writing, studying each and every one of the theories and systems.
It was a pity that we did not have the time to talk about it that much...
and maybe it's too late to regret.
However, I just want to thank God that He gave me the chance once again
to feel the joy of what you liked all these while...
and with that, it reminded me of you.
Anyway...just want to let you know that
your course, your life
they were just as wonderful as you.
love always
Monday, November 23, 2009
Convictions and your lies.
What right do you have to point at me?
Well, I'm sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee.
And still crowdin' my space are the things you still hold against me.
You cannot save me.
Daughtry, break down
But They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human
Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's
Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me
You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me
Will you be there, Michael Jackson
And my scars remind me,
that the past is real...
I tear my heart open,
just to feel.
scars, papa roach
what would you do when my heart goes numb?
would you be there to warm it down?
would you be my cure when my heart starts to bleed?
would you even care?
silence does not mean ignorance..
and silence does not mean
sometimes a silent action does not mean weak
it may seems weak,
I know
but sometimes it is actually an action of giving a chance for one to repent
to reflect
and to make sure you took the chance
and respect that!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
its enough to make me smile and feel the appetite to my tummy.
That's it.
Time to move on
Time to pray
Time to give thanks
Time to be humble...
and get rid of the burdens of grieve, shame and disappointment.
Time to get rid of the ego that boost up the arrogance
Time to continue the script I have to write...
and to ensure that I give thanks for all that can happen.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Little Oscar
Even though it was not his fault that he was made that way, the other animals in the forest failed to understand this fact and continue to haunt Oscar's mother with complains about how their children were poked by his spines as they played.
They nagged and bragged for Oscar's mother to watch out for him or do something about his spines, which was ridiculous as Oscar was born a hedgehog and there is nothing they could do to clean his spines.
Due to this, the other baby animals like to make fun of him. They began to call him unpleasant nicknames such as “Scary monster” or “thorny baby” every time Oscar was around to join in for any of their games.
Dejected and sad for being shunned by the other animals in the forest, Oscar hid himself behind a thick bush where no one can find him.
Oscar was crying and about to start hibernating, when he heard a terrified scream made by one of the baby animal who refused to play with him.
Curiosity killed the cat; Oscar decided to take a peep of who was making that scream and what caused him to let out such a terrified scream.
To his horror he saw Mr. Snake, the most vicious cobra in the jungle, trying to attack poor toady with its venom as he glides nearer and nearer to him with his fangs ready for a delicious attack.
Instantly, Oscar curled himself into a ball and rolled himself as quickly as possible to rescue toady.
Oscar rolled before toady just before Mr. Snake digged his fangs on his leathery skin used for the toad for better water retention.
Mr. Snake moved back in anger upon sensing his skin brushing against the sharp surface of Oscar's spines. The snake glared ferociously at the sharp ball before withdrawing himself into the jungle to heal his wounded mouth.
The two baby animals were left alone. Toady was very terrified by the fearful encounter and even more frightened when he saw that Oscar was not moving, even though he called him a lot of times.
Toady was about to get help from the other animals when Oscar began to roll back into his original shaped.
It was later that they discovered that hedgehogs a naturally gifted with the ability to immune themselves against snake venom due to the protein erinacin in the animal’s muscular system; and its spines are meant to defend itself against any vicious predator’s attack.
Amazed and embarrassed for their harsh action towards the hedgehogs’ family, the other animals apologised for their ill treatment and start to look at Oscar as a hero for his bravery in risking his life to save toady against Mr. Snake.
Since then, the animals also learned their lesson and try to accept others the way they are as everyone is purposeful the way they are.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
One Another
who help me up.
I realized that each time I feel like giving up, someone will always be there to live it up.
Be it happy or sad.
There's someone.
There's always someone.
Someone near.
Someone far.
Someone new.
Someone old.
Whatever the consequences, there's someone.
Someone to be there to hear me out.
Someone who will be there to share the hurt and disappointment and pain.
Someone who will be there to bring the joy, and make me smile.
Someone who just knows what to say and how to say that it makes the broken heart healed.
Every time I thought that I was alone, there's always someone.
And that someone no matter who they are, near and far
friends or families, just appear.
Bringing with them a spark of joy, a whisper of comfort, a shout of encouragement, a push of determination, a ray of hope and a warmth of peace.
Every time they appear, they NEVER FAIL TO MAKE MY DAY!
Thank you so much.
for everything, thick and thin.
Everything...and this made me to realize that in life we always have one another, as we depend on each other for joy and comfort.
Suggestions and praise.
We always have one another
and with that presence of one another, it makes the world a beautiful place...
create a cure for the wounded hearts.
Thank you...
for being there...
Love always,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Walking underneath the morning sun
with the sun rays beaming down onto my skin
it just felt so goooooooddddddddd!!!!
It's been sometime since the last time I walked underneath the sun.
pheww....had been walking under the shelter ever since the cloudy clouds covering the sun beam away and wet the earth with rain.
Today, as I walked, I was reminded once again with the beauty of nature...
it was incredible for sure...
Ever since what happened, I have not been spending a little time for myself
just me and the nature...
and yesterday, when I was glancing through my pictures of nature that I took over the years, I realized just how beautiful they are...
and so, when I was able to experience it again today and last night,
hehe...I FEEL SO GOOD!!!!
Anyway, got go go...
gonna write again soon... =)
Take care and God bless...
*sorry due to the new skin face, the links were missing again...(as always)
and also the textbox. so yeah for all of you who has my fb
=p abuse me through there yeah...if u have any judgement against me lol lol
but spare me from a too ghastly comment please... =p
Okay, Take care now, bye bye then...
me =)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hearts heavy
Eyes fatigue
Hands shivers
Tears dried
I never know that losing you is such a burden to my heart
Or maybe, I know, its just that I have never thought about it before
that you will leave us so soon...
so fast...
too soon to be true.
Every now and then I dreamed of you
that I could meet you again.
Yeah baby! sure you do.
It's gonna be a long long time till we meet again...
hehe you sure you still gonna remember who I am?
Alright, I believe.
I believe okay. I wish I asked more questions and shared more things with you
the day we met.
If only I knew that the time limit was so precious.
But it's okay, guess its not wise to regret it now...
and I'm glad that we did found one another...
I miss you man...
I really do...
it may just be a 45 minutes walk but it is enough to make me
missing you so much...
that goes to show how influential you are right...
Anyway, hope that I will be able to get on with life, the way you do
goodbye...take care
Love always,
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thank You Lord
How great can one to feel that You are never a breath away
You know me inside out
Despite of the way You seems so far away.
You show me the way when I was lost
and guide me the way when I want to walk
You never leaves me even for a while
My life is in Your hand
My path is in your plan
You know what I need
and You know what I am seeking or feeling
It may not be hard
to confess
Unfortunately egoism spread its way
to hide it away
Due to that, I was unable to confess
I was unable to say out how I feel
if it was not You who force me to say it all
If it was not You who forked out all the feelings inside
to make me be honest with myself
I may not be able to feel so good now
God, thank you
for all the wonders You have shown to me
all the amazing grace You've shown me the moment I took up the decision
to be the one
who believes
Thank you God
for appointing me such an important task
for appointing me such a wonderful task
that can make people feel contented
at least it managed to make them laugh
and even at the eleventh hour
they can still feel his laughter and his habits
thank You Lord...
Thank you for the revelation
for revealing the bits and pieces
of information
from one being to another
and God, You know
it is really a blessing to see such a wonderful seeing of Your world and glory
Thank you for the chances we were given
for all that had happened in within that 45 minutes walk
Perhaps it is hard to fathom
and no one would have ever believed it either
if it's not by faith
But I know
at least I know that You had made his wish accomplished
You had made his wish accomplished.
and you had made him glad as he let out the words he wished to say
Thank you Lord
for giving such a great man to be my friend
my little brother
my brave cousin
my inspiration
Thank You Lord
for allowing me the time to grief
to give thanks
to achieve
to let go
to reach out
to bond
and most of all
to know that he is with God FOREVER AND EVER
Thank You Lord
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You so much SO MUCH
for everything
for all the things
for everything
Thank You Lord
Thank You...
even for the tears we shed
the smile we exchanged
the grief we shared
the fear
the wonders
the love
the burden
Thank you Lord
Thank You
Till we meet again little man
"cici juga sayang kok sama koko
sampe ketemu lagi ya
little angel"
ku trima dariMu
bukan karna kebaikan ku
hanya oleh kasih karuniaMu
Kau pulih kan aku...
Kau bri yang ki pinta...
saat ku mencari ku mendapatkan
ku ketuk pintuMu dan Kau bukakan
S'bab Kau bapaku bapa yang Kekal...
Tak kan kau biarkan
aku melangkah hanya sendirian
Kau selalu ada bagiKu
s'bab Kau bapaku
Bapa yang kekal...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It was know that you were there watching, waiting, coming to find your way to me.
I know it was you the moment I saw you there.
I know, even if we have hardly met.
It was a beautiful scenery the day I saw you walking among those grasses
smiling, walking, laughing
It was even more beautiful when you were born I suppose.
However, now that your life has come to the last chapter.
I believe you understand the reason why.
I know I may not be there to play with you anymore...
but I know we will play again the way we did the other time.
I know you want to see me
I was glad that I found you too
I was glad you know how I feel about you and your brother.
I love you baby brother...
it will be sometime till we meet again...
but let's wait...
shall we wait?
we wait okay...
we wait for one another to be reunited...forever.
Till then, I don't mind you stay naughty the way you are...
haha it was really fun to see the playful side of you...
and even more fun to see you laughing back at me the way you escorted me to where you are.
I will do my best to take care of him ok.
I will do my best to make them understand and to make them stay in this city I am living now.
Okay...Okay naughty boy...
Till we meet again okay...
Till we meet again for the second or perhaps the third...
Till we meet again...
"Sampe ketemu lagi ya Win, dadahhh"
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
John Newton (1725-1807)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Unfortunately the mind seems to have disobeyed the order of the body.
Sleepy, tired body that longed to stay in the bed as long as the day break.
But i feel so bored...
damn it...
I wonder what made me so bored all the time.
Could it be the absence of Mr. Tall?
or could it be the absence of old friends?
I don't know.
But these days had been so boring...
I was living hella boring kind of life, and I wonder if the coming of Lee Min Ho is going to make some excitement. Do you think?
Story books, I have been missing story books.
But there are so many books for me to read and so many books in the shelves left unread.
I wonder when the hell will I ever gonna finish every chapter of it.
Hold on, I think I know the reason to my sleepless mode.
The time.
The commitment.
The motivation for a better me.
It stresses me out.
Stresses me out of me...
Out of the actual me.
I should have known it.
I wonder what am I suppose to do to become a better me?
to become a better sleeper in the night?
to lead a healthy life.
But the problem is I cant sleep.
Everytime I was about to sleep, I can't sleep.
I dont know...
I can't sleep again...
and again
maybe the stress level is high huahaha
maybe the jealousy level is creeping its way back..
or could it be other stupid emotions...
to list it, I think I will not be able to sleep till tomorrow.
Fine then, got to go...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
gila gila gila...
udah lama banget nga nulis di blog...
udah mau mulai crapping lagi nih...
lol lol
lama lama gua bisa jadi kaya Brandon deh...
nulis blog, 3 bulan sekali, sekali tulis langsung sepanjang panjang kepala jerapah...
well anyway, udah gunting rambut lagi lho...
kali ini lebih pendek lagi...huahaha jadi nga bisa di iket...ya bagus juga lah...
iket lol
dan akirnya gua bisa foto foto sama org organ di depan ION yg tinggin banget...
jadi susah lol
ok deh kalo gitu...ntar di upload deh ya photonya lol
got to go...
sekolah nih...
males banget....kenapa sih, weekend always ended so quickly?
cape d....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The weather seems to understand the emotions that we feel.
Confusion. Fear. Sadness. Anxieties.Hope.
All mixed together into one seemingly emotions that we could not describe but feel.
But even to feel, we didnt know which is which...
for the feeling seems to have correlate with each other....
perhaps we should consider to surrender
perhaps we should consider to stay strong...instead of getting weak upon hearing it.
But how are we to become immune when we never know what is going to happen?
when what's going to happen is always so unexpected...and threatening....
Maybe we should really pray altogether...
maybe we should really shout...shout to the Lord
saying: God help us! Please help us!
there's so many things we didn't know but please help us.
if we can't do much, well at least to depend on You.
To rely on You
and to go too far away from our faith.
Please help us!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mini Cooper
Anybody wants to buy this sweet car for me? hehehe just for a rough information lol
I saw this car and took a picture of it when I was walking around Ion Orchard, where it all comes together haha
and I was so happy to see so many different coopers that I keep taking piture of it...Unfortunately, when they exhibit some other version of the Cooper

Ohhhh speaking of Lamborghini, last Fri or perhaps Sat, anyway, it was one of those free day of mine, keke...I was walking around Orchard Road again, I can't remember exactly where perhaps around Robinsons there, ya, so there I was standing, waiting for the traffic light to turn red and for the green man sign to appear...suddenly, zooooooommmmmmmmmm
ouhhhhh BABY!!! a

Well, anyway, hope that I can have one of those coops one day as well as hehe and if I have it, I think I will want to put it red/ yellow or maybe baby blue with white strips

Anyway, happy today because I have no school =)))) and ya so far for these 2 days, the days had been good.. =)
Though I'm still lazy if I am to self-intro myself lol lol
and the idea of starting a convo still thrills me
hehe I'm a shy person...though I know most people will not agree with this. haha
but really, I'm shy when it comes to first impression and first conversation. haha
Well, got to go...take care now...
bye bye then
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm beginning to miss everyone now...
everyone from A-Z especially now that I am sitting alone, somewhat 'outcast' in the class that is yet to be mine.
So bored with no one to talk to...and with strangers circling about me....
why the hell do we need to be separated all the time?
what's wrong with sticking together till the end?
I'm so lazy to make friend...
So lazy to keep saying "my name is Yuliana"
(keh...) bosen bosen....
How i wish Christmas is here soon...'s seems so long ago since the last time I write the Christmas Cards...hehe
hopefully this year there will be friends for me to share the joy with...
I mean (duh) of course right? but well hopefully the number of cards to be mailed does not decreased with the number of cards sent last year. =p (tho it means 'pengeluaran bakal lebih banyak =p )
Anyways how I wish that Christmas is here...then another and then...
I will be free...huahaha at least for some time from school, works, and I will be spending the day and the night tucking myself to sleep under the warm cover as I dreamed of the dream I longed to dream of....hehehe
How I wish this morning could last longer...
kehkeh...the idea of sleeping under the warm cover as the rain pours away...
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so dreamy...huahahaha welcome to my world...
I wonder how it will be like to sleep under the blanket when it's snowing outside...
hehehee... to go...
take care now...bye bye then...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Golden fish
It was swimming in the pond at the back of Raffles Hospital when I saw it
almost as if glisttening in the middle of the pond as it sways itself beautifully from one place to another...
For a moment I was so amazed that I stopped and stared.
This is the first time I am so so so so damn amazed with a fish...
a Koi fish...
my devilish side even crept in between me and let my imagination ran wild..haha
I was pretending what is I stole this fish away? hahaha
anyway, it seems for that split second, before the evil thought came to me, the fish seems to adore me just as much...hahaha you know why? it swam it way to me when I took a closer look at it.
Or maybe, the fish, is just as nar

ehhh you know what, the moment the other fishes saw that we were taking picture, the others came to join...wooh buffeting their

I really love the fish very very much...damn beautiful...
and this is the first time I dont feel dumb for mesmerising a fish...haa
Now i know how count D feel lol lol