Saturday, October 24, 2009


It was know that you were there watching, waiting, coming to find your way to me.
I know it was you the moment I saw you there.
I know, even if we have hardly met.
It was a beautiful scenery the day I saw you walking among those grasses
smiling, walking, laughing
It was even more beautiful when you were born I suppose.

However, now that your life has come to the last chapter.
I believe you understand the reason why.
I know I may not be there to play with you anymore...
but I know we will play again the way we did the other time.

I know you want to see me
I was glad that I found you too
I was glad you know how I feel about you and your brother.
I love you baby brother...
it will be sometime till we meet again...
but let's wait...
shall we wait?
we wait okay...
we wait for one another to be reunited...forever.

Till then, I don't mind you stay naughty the way you are...
haha it was really fun to see the playful side of you...
and even more fun to see you laughing back at me the way you escorted me to where you are.
I will do my best to take care of him ok.
I will do my best to make them understand and to make them stay in this city I am living now.
Okay...Okay naughty boy...

Till we meet again okay...
Till we meet again for the second or perhaps the third...
Till we meet again...

"Sampe ketemu lagi ya Win, dadahhh"

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