Friday, January 23, 2009


YEAH this is the part 2 of what happened before the closing of the semester....

and our separation as a class...
so, after all the hard workthat we put in, its time for all of us to take a LONG BREAK !!!!
haha this is me with a stupid mask that Wan

then, feeling that its cool, Wan also want to try it on haha and make himself like a ninja...haha

then, we also asked the others to join in for the fun haha

we also went all the way out to the back of the school to take some random pictures...haha

like racing on the road...

pretending to be dead...

act EMO!!!

and becoming vintage froggies in the well hahaha

with the lost-passerby who also want to make himself fall to the well....(because he is bored)

hahaha we are all basically having a CRAZY DAY OUT CAMWHORING THE WHOLE DAY hahahaha

before we went back to class and take some proper pictures again...=)

with Haxy
with Dianne, Simin and Sharmala

Before at last...the whole class of W45E YEAH!!!!

okay, so my biggest Thanks to all the Facis and classmates....

thank you for being such a fun fun fun people in the class and to be so jolly everyday...

it was really a grea experiences working and meeting up with all of u all...

hope all the best for you...

keep in touch, smile always, stay healthy and happy....

God bless everyone...=)

it was a blessing to have you in my chapters of life

especially the people who always made me laugh out loud in class


love u all =) muach ^^

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