Friday, March 27, 2009
dead beat
she turned 17 yesterday..
yeah finally she is an adult...
sudah bisa lol
but due to the time conscious of everyone
we made the party today...
the party is in the theme of Hawaiian
thus, all of us dressed up in a hawaiian style dresses with flowers
decorating out heads and the neck...with all the lei's we really look very
very very colourful...hehe
but wooohhh the wather is so damn hot....
though it is a sexy idea to have it outdoor.... =)
but the hellish weather is unbearable...
really envy that little cousin of mine who can have a nice plunge in the swimming pool...
grrrrr.....boyyyyy annoying....
but well, overall it was not so bad....
and since all of us are in dress, so we have decided to wear shorts underneath so that we
too can plunge in haha and of course, we did that since the weather is crazy...haha
just that, haiz...the little girl who turned to adult, dont dare to dance, because she is shy...
and she dont really know how to shake her bootie as much...
hehe despite of us giving her the song 'she wants to move' from N.E.R.D
haha maybe its a wrong song....the song is too fast, she cant take it...haha
but anyway, it was really fun and tiring and hot at the same time...
because early in the morning, i was already awakened dont know for what
alert system on i guess...and tossed and turned in the bed for one and a half hour, before i finally get back to sleep...haha a nice more peaceful sleep...
then met my sis and the birthday gal at bugis as we have to buy the things we have not yet have with us...
before after that, we rushed all the way to PS to buy yet another things that we need for the occassion...
it was damn crowded...with all the people from all over the place, eating,shopping bla bla bla anyway, it is just so crowded that it is really not fun to squeeze in between these people during the rush hour...
and oh one more thing, when i boarded the bus number 61 to go to Bugis
i dont know why, there were a lot of elderlies going in and out of the bus...
making me feel uneasy for sitting down while the old ones stand...
but the problem is this, despite of me giving up the seat to them, as in, move in and allow the seat near the isle be empty for them to sit, they dont want to sit....
and made me feel stupid for shifting in and out...
haiz....i guess it is a mistake to get out of the house too early...haha
okay, i'm just joking... lol
damn, March is going to be over soon...and april is coming...
well, not so bad though, because 5th of April is Pharrell's bday
and one week before April is over, i will be meeting Steven...
and i will be away from my horrible hair...haha
but the idea that soon school is starting...damn it...its hurts....
it really makes me no mood each time i tink about school...
guess it is never in my blood that i love school....
even when i know school can be fun...but the idea that i have to stuck in school
haiz....forget it...i really dislikes that...=p
but well, the faster April is over, the faster PP is coming..and the faster that PP is over, means it is going to be Christmas once again....and the moment this Christmas is over...
someone is going to be home for the next Christmas....=) and that thought makes me happy...haha
Then, the moment he is back...
i will be able to have something beautiful for me to see
and dream about...haha
then the moment he is back, means graduation is coming...
and it means that school life is over...
though i dont say that i like working either..haha
but that period when i will be jobless, haha i think i will kind of like it...
lol lol i so want to use that time to dance... feel every dances that i have been practicing
and really have a great practice time...even if i need to sweat like a dog...haha
indeed, i miss lol it kinda makes me feel alive... =)
well, anyway, got to go...
currently listening to Rain, my all time favourite dancer...
with his great song 'Move on' (really miss this song)
the time now is 2:03 and its a little past my bed time....
haha thus, got to go....
have to attend some dreaming session... =)
*pictures will be uploaded when my cousin had sent me the photos...haa
so be patient!!!!
take care then God bless
and good night =)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
On Friday the 20th of March 2009 I went to see Pharell from the Neptunes or more specifically N.E.R.D!!!!!
wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! it is a damn crazy and energetic concert i have ever experienced in my whole life man....
he is like so goofy and in the same time cool and yet so enthusiastic that the night is a HAYWIRE!!!! =) FREAK... i really love the way he entered the room and with his eyes behind the golden brown shades, he looks so damn damn damn hot....haha
Thursday, March 19, 2009

okay, so for the convinience of me lol lol lol
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
hehe for a while it seems like so long ago since the last time i heard their voices
haiz...wat to do all the members are away to the NS. damn it.
and all the news in the magazine just didnt seems as fun as when there are shinhwa haha
because shinhwa is always very funny especially the wit boy lol lol
really miss his lame witty his funny laughter that make him damn witty haha
so bored here with nothing to do but just waited for the days to go by...
haiz....seems like all the things that i want to do eventually goes down the drain
due to the laziness that takes control haha
in fact to think of it, i dont know either wat to do to get rid of the boredom...
(mr tall sih ngga disini haha )
actually i dont mind posting more about the indo trip
but the idea that the pics need to be posted in not a very easy way to do it... makes me lost appetiate in doing so ....haha
my parents had been asking me where i wanted to go to spend the holidays haha
and honestly speaking there's a lot of list man...haa
i dont mind going back to hongkong or Shanghai lol
or go all the way to Bali for a lol....
but oh btw, recently had been listening to or rather reading informations about Adam Levine and Jared Leto and his handsome brother Shannon Leto
and ohhh my gowd...i think i'm in love with Shannon Leto
haha Adam Levine is sweet but he is kind of kinky haha
so it can be kind of creepy lol lol but he is very very funny person...
and i really like the way he talks...=) nice husky
kyaaaaaaaaaaaa so happy to be able to read 30 seconds to mars official website
cause i was able to enjoy the postings that were posted by Jared and he is indeed
a good writer just like Brandon =) nice nice....
i just love lol
okay, thats all for today
time to go
take care now
bye bye then
cheers and have fun =)
Saturday, March 14, 2009

however, after paying for the tickets (to my sis the provider haha) i decided to enjoy it even though the main guy that we are going to see Mr. Jason Mraz is not really my big idol either..haha but i do like his songs though because i think that his lyrics are very very inspiring...=) and indeed, it was a great show given by Jason, because he was so comical and entertaining that i find myself amused by his funny action and fast way of singing...even though it is not easy to follow when i sing along with lol lol but he is really really a very funny person....with his lanky slim figure and fedora hat, bringing a guitar and dressed in casual white shirt and black pants. he looks so damn funny and as i said casual...haha

then coming up next as he sang all his other songs like 'Live is Wondeful' (which is another good songs with beautiful meaning), 'Clockwatching', Live High', 'Only human', 'Make it Mine' as well as the most wanted, most waited and most sing-along song for the night which was also his most well known song to everyone 'Lucky' and 'I'm Yours' i found myself diluting into the sensation more and more...but of course most of all what i like most from his concert was his wonderful lyrics (because i dont really know his songs haha and thus just heard it that night and listened to every words he sang attentively) and his beautiful voice that was being produced out of the loud speaker.
cool? cool? cool? cool right sure it does...haha though i wasnt i a big but it is still a good luck to get such a thing from a great singer =)
when else can one get so lucky. haha
then next because of that, we(my sisters, my cousin and i) were spared from all the scoldings from the elders as we proudly showed around this cool singer to them. haha
thanks Jason you help save the day ;D
and then with 'Butterfly' as his last song, he decided to call it a day.
Next is the photos that we took at home after the concert =)

haha yeah so you know this is me as always with my stupid happy face haha posing like a mad kid with Jason Mraz polaroid

and that is my sis with her happy laugh upon receiving her favourite Idol. haha

snap snap snap
its a nice workshop and i really learn a lot from that....
the hometown i had 'abandoned' for a year. haha

Next is the picture of this statue of someone playing golf. haha yeah this statue i took at the back of the house complex. At the Mediterania's Golf club. a very beautifully crafted statue with the grand altar and pillars surrounding it as well as the fountain that added the grandness of it. =) i really like this statue a lot...haha especially the engrafted pillars and the top of the altar. the details so cool!!!! =)
and the other one is just the whole look out of the location...hehe cool eh they made it in the sense that one think they are having their roman holidays...haha
Somemore random pictures that we took before have a refreshing moment with Indomilk haha and Kue Leket for my cousin, Miss Nathalia hahaha

yeah so this is a bird-house like little wooden house that i saw and snapped on my way around the housing complex, on an empty ground....=)

and this is a street eating house that usually took place on the side of the road, made by building a small cozy tent that is enough to contain some people like perhaps 10 or more, i dont know, with the shop owner stacking, displaying his cutleries and plates on one table while the customers waited to be served...haha there are some of such eating house that are bigger than this and the customers had to wait outside the 'restaurant' to

haha and last but not least is this cozy 'home' of all the security guard in my housing complex PIK. haha of course if the security guard is in a group they are provided with a bigger shelter with even small television and a fan inside hahaha but if only alone, those patrolling around, haha ya this is where they shelter themselves from the sun and rain. (hehe quite adorable eh)
okay, thats all about the snapshot that i took...hehehe hope u like it...and have a rough sketch about Indonesia..
really hoping to show you more about Indonesia actually haha yeah not say as to show off lol lol just that i feel that its been some time since the last time i fall in love with my country so much..haha and thus on this trip, in decided to make the effort the snap down all sorts of things that had exists all these while just that had been forgotten overtime...
yeah so with this, i feel glad that i manage to show some little part of my hometown to all of lol lol and i really like the sunset
because the house complexs where i live is near the sea and thus each time the sun is setting down, the scenery always takes my breath away.
hehe so i guess there will be more sun set pictures that i'm going to release over time.
funny how the sun always set in a marvelous way each time it has to set haha
but anyway, hehe it is a great fun i had there in Indonesia...apart from eating and gaining weight, haha i even enjoy the pleasure of being served and treated like a queen lol lol lol
plus, being squashed once again by the crowd when listening to Jason Mraz Live in action.Not a big fans though, but i really adore his lyrics and his voice when he sings live.
well okay, so very hungry lol i got to go and have some food =) nice.
Take Care everyone and bye bye
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dunkin Donut

Buhuhuhu enjoying the last day of my trip eating Dunkin Donut by the road side of Muara Karang... (while waiting for my mum as she enjoying herself creambathing at the opposite hair Salon) haha taking the lemon flavoured donut bit by bit, the day and the taste just sounds so ouhhh baby HELLA NICE hahaha
some flavours that i like from Dunkin Donut
1. Chocolate Jimmies
3.Strawberry chocolate (sprinkle)
and many more haha time to try more flavours...haha but here in the picture, i was trying the lemon flavour with my sis the strawberry and my cousin with the special of the month donut. haha plus the ice chocolate that was so damn chocolatey and made me to yearn for more after the liquid drop to the tip of the throat haha.
to crazy for Dunkin Donuts, i even bought the lol (the water bottle freak system on me got alerted when i laid my eyes on the tumbler...haha weird habit eh, collecting water bottles haha )
and yeah well apart from Dunkin Donut i also like Krispey Creme and JCO. NICE!!!! time to hunt for more lol
and so this is me, the moon dreamer

drinking the ice chocolate sip by sip while shimerring myself under the warm sun set.
before being joined by my sis to take a proper picture. (the sun setting effect is sexy haha )
indo food
just came back a few hours ago from my hometown which i left
for about a year...
haha and indeed, there has been a lot of things that i missed out...
somethings that made me somewhat look kind of like a dumb dumb in my own country...
hahaha embarrassing isnt it...
but i really like the idea of being back in where i used to be though maybe not for a long time...haha it can be kind of stressful too with no friends there =p
but well, going back there...
my stomach turn into a rubber band and i eat and eat and eat and eat...almost like every minutes of the day haha
can be said i ate more than 3 times there...
haha and so it is obvious if i gained weight...haaha
i think i started with the food haha
since thats what lured me to gain weight when i was there haha

haha yeah so this is the picture of satay Padang (padang is the name of one of the city in Indonesia) first ate it when i went to my mom's hometown in Medan, which was another part of Indonesia...and i got addicted to it...haha
krupuk ikan (fish cracker) is a favourite cracker in some indonesian food, haha and till now it is still a fav. to all kids even adults haha...and nowadays it can be more difficult to find except on some restaurant or small provision shop.
this is kue ape and kue leket the most commonly eaten street food by kids and it is usually sold outside the school gate or the church gate...haha

gee...and feel free to make a trip to indonesia...haha
and try it on your own...=)
alright, thats all for the things about food...haha
once again hope you enjoy and have fun reading =)
thank you for your time and kind attention =)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
and this time which was exactly yesterday...haha when i faced up with a black out
i found myself enjoying lol lol
seems like its been sometime since the last time i faces a black out...
which caused not only the weather at home to get even hotter...
but also me unable to do my morning rituals...
so the time i woke up i was playing a while with the blogging thing
before zoom..the lights turn off...
haha leaving the house in semi darkness and total darkness on some rooms like bathrooms
and leaving the tap water running out with nothing but an occassional drip of magic water...
i was left sleepy and sloppy for a few minutes, before i reminded of the 1500 ml of water in the water bottle that was usually place beside my sink. used at times like this...haha then i decided to brush my teeth with yeah thats what one can only do with 1500 ml of brush teeth and wash ur hands for a lol including washing the toothbrush that was coated with used toothpaste.
haha it sounds wat the hell but its true...and that makes me realised how precious water is in our lives...
and call me mad, but when i felt that cold water on my the back of my hand, i was more than overjoyed to be awaken by the touch of cold water haha.
then as i walked out to the front yard and see my mom transferring one pail by one pail of water to another bigger pail to contain the water, it reminds me how first, how difficult life is without electricity. and second, made me think bakc about the time when we were more difficult than we were now, and lived in a more 'rundown' area...and often faced up with black out...
which we eventually got used to it,and even able to walk in the dark without holding a torch light or the dimly lit candle light...hahaha (it can happen for hours)
i used to do homework in the dark too or under the dimly lit candle light...haha which obviously cause my handwritting to be 'very beautiful' hahahaha (good luck to the teachers lol )
and now that i am older, i realised the reason why last time, when we were young and dont think that black out is a big deal except that we have to bear with the heat and sleep without air parents used to get so anxious about it. they will try to store up as many pails of water as possible, lit as many lights as possible etc. haha because indeed for adults, it is so damn annoying, and inconvinient. imagine you are bathing half way and the whole tap was off together with the standing in a cold darkness...or peeing half way and find yourself locked in the bathroom because u cant open the door. lol lol dangerous...
and so, yesterday in the semi darkness of my living room i stood not only reminiscing about the past but also praying for the black out to be over. plus, for me to treassure every sources like gold. never take things for granted. lol
however, the hellish moment lasted for half and hour, (before it continue again after an hour of light, and in the end caused me to go over to my cousin house to borrow a bathroom lol lol because of the shortage of water lol lol ) and the time when the light turn on haha i was more than glad to be able to see the lights again as the lights sparkles on like magic...trang tranggggg!!!!
well anyway, i do enjoy the black out though...haha
but of course i dont wish for it to last for a long long lol the heat can make one feel burn out of the lol
okay that's all for today... =)