Buhuhuhu enjoying the last day of my trip eating Dunkin Donut by the road side of Muara Karang... (while waiting for my mum as she enjoying herself creambathing at the opposite hair Salon) haha taking the lemon flavoured donut bit by bit, the day and the taste just sounds so ouhhh baby HELLA NICE hahaha
some flavours that i like from Dunkin Donut
1. Chocolate Jimmies
3.Strawberry chocolate (sprinkle)
and many more haha time to try more flavours...haha but here in the picture, i was trying the lemon flavour with my sis the strawberry and my cousin with the special of the month donut. haha plus the ice chocolate that was so damn chocolatey and made me to yearn for more after the liquid drop to the tip of the throat haha.
to crazy for Dunkin Donuts, i even bought the tumbler...lol lol (the water bottle freak system on me got alerted when i laid my eyes on the tumbler...haha weird habit eh, collecting water bottles haha )
and yeah well apart from Dunkin Donut i also like Krispey Creme and JCO. NICE!!!! time to hunt for more donuts...lol lol
and so this is me, the moon dreamer

drinking the ice chocolate sip by sip while shimerring myself under the warm sun set.
before being joined by my sis to take a proper picture. (the sun setting effect is sexy haha )
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