Waking up this morning to the sound of the air-con that faithfully blowing its wind to cool the room, i feel hungry... hahaha and upon setting foot on the kitchen floor and realised that all that the table has is nothing but it's round and flat surface, i decided to make my way out of the house and have a grab of SUBWAY that was luring my mind.
So glad that i was alone to enjoy the food and to fill the hungry stomach with no w
orries, i decided to order the foot long sandwich and chewed on it slowly to the back of my throat. huahaha time to get fat!!!!
It's been some time ago since the last time i ate the foot long and the sensation of 'I DID IT!' is just so great...and continue to stick with me till the end of the meal haha love it when it's big.
Anyway, got to go...time to do some work before i really turn into a potato coach haha
stay happy =)
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