Yeah man, I so want you back....on that big stage again, and performed all your stunts before my very own eyes, even if the television screen has to be there as a partition. I dont mind....
So long as I can see those stunts one more time.
Those moves...
Those dances...
Those songs...
Those scream...
Man....I didnt know how much I love you, till I lost you.
You have been such a great insperation figure to me
ever since i saw you for the first time, when i dont even really know how to spell your name.
And it's such a shame to admit that even till now, I always missed out the letter 'a' each time i spelled your name.
I'm sorry...
You know what, it's been one of my wish to be able to meet you, and play the roller coaster you owned, ever since I watched Rithie Rich as a kid.
How I wished to meet you at least once...
On the stage, behind the stage...
But most of all...I wish that I can be just as great a dancer like you do.
I've always been so mermerised to see you escallating on the stage as if you are floating...
and been wondering what is that moves called, before I made a researched and found out the famous moves is called 'Moonwalked'
It's really a pity to lose you so soon....or rather, too soon to be true...
Frankly, the news caught me off guard and I was left agaped for a few minutes before the numbness began to melt away.
I can't read the news now
for each news brought tears to my eyes that I can't help but to stop reading it...
And each time I read it, I find myself not wanting to believe it even more...
It's pity...
really a pity
that the world missed such a great legend ...
That the world has to lost her 'KING-OF-POP'
Her all time favourite 'KING OF POP'
Thank You Mr. Jackson for all your contribution to the world and for keep encouraging her people to make a difference in the world.
To 'make the world a better place, for you and for me and entire human race' and 'who am i to be blind? Pretending not to see their need' when I see hungry kids, 'not enough to eat' when everyone has a part to 'Heal the World'
And of course, to begin with, everyone has to start with the 'Man in the Mirror'
Thank you Mr. Jackson, you are forever a legend that everyone will never forget.
I hope that everyone will only 'Remember The Time' which you had wonderfully contributed yourself to the world...and definitely, i can say this with pride that all these while, 'You rock My World.'
I love you ... Goodbye my Idol...Goodbye Legend...