Colourful balls for $1.80 at 7-11 haha and crack, when it popped open, cute little faces of Mr. Men and Little Miss could be found....smiling, laughing, tongue licking etc. so CUTE!!!!!!
I really love Mr. Men and Little Miss...hehe and u know what, it's damn difficult to get the whole 10 of them, especially when some of the characters found inside the capsules may be the same...which is like what the hell...and i have to go all the way to the other 7-11 outlet to get one more and play guessing game of the color balls...haha damn....i tink i wasted kinda lots of 2 dollars on this. hahaha and once, i went to 3 different 7-11 outlet, in order to hunt for the different character, and yet again, i get the same character, and i really hate Miss Chatterbox now, and Mr. Greedy, for keep appearing inside the capsule...lol 

After much trying, so glad that eventually I managed to find Little Miss Shy. =) and there was once when i went hunting for it, and i managed to find Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine. To be able to find Mr. Small was a blessing haha, because it was so hard to find him, and indeed, in the other attempts of finding the other chracters, I didnt managed to find another Mr. Small. Unfortunately, i didnt manage to find Miss. Naughty, Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong...so pissed....if not, I wil have the whole collection of them =) I wonder why the hell are they putting so many Mr. Greedy and Miss Chaterbox?
Anyway, haha been stop finding, for I'm afraid that I will get the same character again, and waste my money, lol though each time i entered 7-11 the capsule colours, still tempt me in a lot of ways...haha But, never mind...control...CONTROL BABY!!!

Well, neway, let me show me my collections and introduce you my little friend. haha
Yeah, so in the piture(from anti-clockwise direction) there are Miss Shy, Miss Sunshine, Mr Nosey, Mr Small, Miss Chatterbox, Mr Greedy and in the middle Mr Happy....yeah...my favourite besides Mr. Tall.
And yeah, have I told you i managed to find Mr. Tall book? I thi
nk i did right? Gee..yeah man, Mr. Tall is so cute...haha and he really reminds me of someone....who is just as tall...well, at least taller than me...haha and Mr Tall is really difficult to find...haha guess in the future, i may want to have the Little Library of Mr. Men and Little Miss haha

By the way, just managed to get this from google, tyhe story behind the creation of Mr Men and Little Miss. Hope You Like It:
Mr Men & Little Miss
The books were devised, drawn and written by Roger Hargreaves, born in 1938 in
Cleckheaton, Yorkshire. Hargreaves began his career with a Bradford advertising agency before moving to London, where he joined a similar company and rose to the position of creative director. In 1971, so the story goes, his eldest son, Adam, asked him what a tickle looked like (well, he was his Dad and he did creative things for a living, so he would know that kind of thing). Hargreaves senior came up with a round; cheerful orange face on tiny legs, with long, rubbery arms designed to reach anybody's laughter zones and called him Mr. Tickle. The ball was rolling, so Hargreaves developed other characters (Messrs Greedy, Happy, Nosey and so on) in a similar vein and eventually found a publisher. Once that hurdle had been overcome, the Mr. Men books sold a million copies in just three years and were turned into a television series.

As the Mr. Men characters began to appear on everything from towels to lunchboxes. Hargreaves created a second group, this time with female characters: the Little Miss series featuring Little Miss Bossy, Little Miss Naughty and so on. In 1981 the Hargreaves family moved to Guernsey, which has attracted creative people and entertainers for centuries the appeal nowadays being largely its friendly tax laws and convenient location. When Roger Hargreaves died at the young age of 53, Adam effectively joined the family firm, helping his mother to run the business. Something of an artist himself, albeit in a very different style from his father, he taught himself to draw the characters, even creating some new ones, such as Mr. Rude, Mr. Cool and Little Miss Scary. Mr. Men and Little Miss are now firmly established among the classics of their genre, with a timeless quality that promises to keep them on bookshelves for many years to come.
References :
Date of issue : 15th May 2008
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