Okay, hellow everyone this is Yuliana the moon dreamer, how are you doing?
Currently listening to Jamie Cullum, Everlasting Love. Smooth song for the night that was in the middle of becoming old soon. haha
Anyway, been in a tiring and sleepy mood this week, I don't know why.
Seems like the old age is tiring me faster.
Speaking of which, as the time passes by, school is beginning to get monotone, and I am beginning to get monotone as well, as I begin to stop producing creativity during lessons, which is a bad sign, because it means that my brain is beginning to get lazy soon.
Yeah well, frankly speaking, had not been in a spectacular condition here.
Everything seems like a rush hour and yet there's so many things need to be done, in such a rush hour, which is sucks.
And in addition to the damn suckiness that was already irritating enough to bear, I feel even more demoralized when I see how I had performed in school. Damn it! I hate it when at the end of the day I'm beginning to slack and don't seems to be caring much about what is going on, even though I do pay attention, except that that attention is not 100%ly there. THERE baby, THERE to the SCREEN!
Except that, the good thing is, I realized that I am beginning to multi task, haha and it seems that my male hormones is beginning to lower itself down, except during the earlier hour and perhaps at some other times...haha
But still I feel pissed with myself for not being such a good thinker. For not being such a good writer.
Haiz....at times like this, it makes me feel a certain hate with holidays.
But fortunately, I was able to get a response from Mediacorp and will be sending my interview soon, yeah real soon. REAL SOON!!! better make it BIG to emphasis it IN MY RUSTY BRAIN. And another good thing that happened today was, a post from Brandon'

Haha,count me crazy, but I dont know why, as I read his way of showing anger, that he wrote in his blog, is so funny and amusing that I can't help but to laugh at his angry comment. Moreover, the reason why I'm happy about reading his post is because, he always managed to create a good posting.

I dont know why, but my writer's instinct tells me so. Be it the tone, the words, the flow, and even the structure, is well organized. And I really like it very very much. and it made me to be able to see the different or somewhat the same-but-slightly-different Brandon as I read his blog.
It seems that the figure that was so cool and talented and striking on stage is so different when it comes backstage.
Reading his blog made me want to improve further in my writing and thinking skills so that I can be just as engaging a writer as Brandon. Actually even as you listen to his songs and read the lyrics written by him, it should have already clearly stated that 'this-man-is-more -than-just-a-normal-hottie' haha. and with this, let me share the pleasure of introducing to you, some of his songs: Echo, I Miss You, Love Hurts, A Certain Shade of Green (an interesting song indeed), Black Heart Inertia and Dig ( a damn good song for friendship vow) haha and yeah of course in the same time, enjoy his soothing voice and exotic face too. HAHA! and for you information, if you are interested with his songs that I mentioned here, you could download it by putting 'Incubus' in the search box. Best if you would purchase one of his 'all the best' CD that was out late last June/July and it was entitled 'Monuments and Melodies' ouhhhh sexy.

In addition, Brandon is also an Artist. And his drawings are damn cool!!!! and currently, apart from singing, he is doing an Art Tour around America to show off his master piece...kyaaaa really miss him a lot.
These beautiful piece of arts were created by him, and I REALLY Love this picture very much.

Anyway, got to go. And bear with me if you are seeing Brandon's face here and there as he floods my blog skin and post with his virus-face lol. the spirit of a fandom haha
Will be back to give a better postings.
Love Always,
Yuliana Kasman =)
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