Email (I DON'T MIND!)
Huff....I feel like a crazy busy business woman today.
Despite of the sickness and tiredness that was taking over my body, I was still working and unable to let my mind rest at ease. I have to email so many people not only about my absence, but also about the company that I am dealing with, unfortunately, and to my greatest surprise and disappointment, unable to even get a response, because why? the message that I wanted to convey could not even be transferred over, because the hotmail said "Postfailure Delivery"
Anyway, feel so sick now, because my left arm was still aching, the result of H1N1 vaccination that I received yesterday, which I received quite gladly, haha because it's been sometime I got an injection and as I grow up, I like the feeling of injection. haha I don't know why, but I found it funny that a tiny little thin needle pierce through your skin and it re

I wonder, with such little liquid being transferred how on earth the whole body is going to receive all of it? Anyway, the liquid knows how to do his little job of taking care of a big curious woman I guess. ha ha ha.
And by the way, yesterday was a very irony and yet beautiful thing that happened.
Even though I have to lost my 'modesty' in front of so many people... (gosh!)
You know why? Well, actually I don't think you even want to know. Freak.
I was like so slack yesterday because I have to visit 2 doctors at once, before going to town to get some stuffs for my cousin.
But unfortunately, the timing was so damn tight and close to one another that I don't even have the time to beautifully modify my look, from the face that I just woken up.
SO!!!!! as a result, yesterday, I walked around the whole Orchard Road with a sick-sad-pale-tiring look. How bad is that. Frankly speaking I was expecting a whole bunch of bitchy people to give me a whole lot of bloddy attitude.
However, to my greatest Shock and SURPRISE, everyone is behaving so so so nicely...
which is GOOD. because, just a few days ago, I was pissed off by a bunch of bitchy people in a store, I will not revealed the name. And I'm damn annoyed by it. The way they stared at me with their cunning judgmental eyes...MAN! Stop it eh. It was damn irritating.
But I was glad that yesterday all the people were very nice....
Nice people d

and one thing for sure, a cute guy, that looked like Kim Bum, which for sure going to make Atiqah go wild, (if she agrees with it too) was there to serves me yesterday....haha but too bad baby, I cant show off myself walking around the crowded store---with such a damn ugly face with me. huahaha, but anyway, a cute guy for a service, I DON'T MIND! HAHAHA.
but of course, it will only be counted IF HE HAS A GOOD ATTITUDE! like the Kim Bum look-alike...lol
Well, anyway, got to go, and have some food and energy, for the day is beginning to get late and it's going to be time for me to pack my bag and prepare the journey for tomorrow. Huff...another tiring days to come.
Ps. I emailed my lecturer today about the difficulties in getting in touch with the company, and told him a small favour, which in reply he said that "you are funny" man...i don't know what does that suppose to mean, but for sure, I know I feel like a clown and a joker. I guess Jack Sparrow's quirky self and side is influencing me to behave in such a way too.
And well if that sentence is going to make people laugh and think kindly of me, haha I DONT MIND!
Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then =)
Love and Peace,
Yuliana Kasman
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