hahahaha today is a cam whore day for the two of us haha basically what we did truout the day were narcistsm moment haha we took pictures on every corner that we tink is nice for the back ground and even sne
aked a pic at kino...haha and see this one with me holding the book haha action aja tuh baca buku interior as if gua ngerti haha and malu deh kudu curi foto...haha

but it shows how much i love books...haha i even take pics at book store haha lol just now my mom just told me that she read in the newspaper that there's this couple that have a 2 storey room full of books....uhhh man.....thats what i wish to have too for my house...hehe i want to have a library full of books on my own as well as a library full of movies...or cds...hehe then it will be so cool.. =)

(belaga ngerti...haha )
*uhhhh im so pissed i saw dongwan's book and disc package today...it cost a damn lot that enough to make my jaw dropped for 3 seconds....im so pissed!!!!! KIM DONG WAN HOW CAN U DO THIS TO ME!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
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