yeah just a recap of what is the story 'Forgive' is all about is about an old man who hold grudges on his man-servant one night before Christmas and as he got a sudden attack from his weak heart, he dreamt that he met God and learnt a new lesson in heaven and at the same time have a renewing of spirit and how he sees life.
most importantly of course it is to remind people the importance of Christmas, where it is the birth of Jesus Christ to this earth for the forgiveness of sins that whoever believes in Him, will have eternal lfe.
apart from that it is also to show that forgiving may not be easy, but so long as u have the will to forgive it and let the matter that prevent u from forgiving to rest, than u are sure to let bygones be bygones...of course in the process of doing that, there is a need for faith and prayers to involve.
but anyway, hope from the story and what had happened to Mr. Lee, all of u can be able to learn about forgiving and get a peep about the real reason why Christmas is celebrated. because it is for the forgiveness of sins.

and if u are wondering why Jesus was born in a manger in a stable, well, that's because, on that day, all the inns are fully packed with people so there is no rooms for Jesus's parents to stay, but one of the inn's owner, knowing that His mother was about to give birth, gives them a room in his stable. and there Jesus was born.
and what i learnt, from church the reason why He was born there, somehow, the illustration is because, just like the stable that is dirty and foul, so is a man's heart when he is full of sins, and that is the reason why Jesus was born in such a condition, as He himself is holy and so he wants to clench our hearts and erase all the sins that was on us, so that we can be forgiven and whoever believes in Him, will not perish but receive eternal life. =) i hope u will understand the reason why u will always see a baby in a manger during Christmas, and why is there some people riding camels coming their way to the stable, they were the magi, who was told to search for the promising mesiah and the shepherds who came because they were told by the angels. (the above pictures or those statues in orchard road)
okay, so i hope u can understand/remember all these hehe and hope u enjoy it too...=)
for more details , you can watch 'Nativity Story' the movie... =)
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