Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Santa's Job

yeah =))))))) so this is me doing a 'santa's' job lol lol

basically like a santa, i check the list of people i want to give

i write the cards

i wrapped the gifts

and i sealed it with love haha

so that whoever receive it is gonna love it too and be joyful about it...hehe

and you know what, lol lol it is really not so easy to be a lol

checking and rechecking is really not an easy job people...hehe

yeah so basically these are all the scene that takes place as i wrapped and write the cards...hehe but anyway, since it is Christmas and it is a time to all the tiresome of those santa's job is after all not so difficult...hehe because it is just so so nice to do all the santa's job hehe and i really did it with happiness...=) so hope all of u my friends who received my cards and small surprises will have joy as u opened it and opened it with care...hehe =)

thank you!!

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