Thursday, April 16, 2009


hot. damn it its damn hot today.
and i, sitting here in this humid, semi dark living room
typing away as my dad nicely sleep at the sofa...
man...can't believe why is the day so hot today...
so annoying...
and i wonder what or where should i go today to have some fun
before the damn school starts and i have to undergo school life
which is like oh my gowd...boring...

i really wonder what will it be like this year...
though i'm not really looking for it lol
i'm still in the mood to play and have some fun
wanting to experience some more concerts that is still showing...

but all i know i have to attend some parties this year haha
wedding parties which is like so cool hahaha
i have two to attend to and i'm so excited about lol
the idea of dressing up lol lol

ahhhh damn it so hot...
i cant bear the heat when i have to sweat a lil at a time like this...
it's annoying.. =(

i'm really curious whose going to be the next American Idol? haha can't wait for it to be lol but Ryan Seacrest is really a cool talker... and haha i think i kind of like Simon now lol lol though he is still mean haha

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