i know this is a little , or rather farrrr too late to self introduce myself in this particular blog of mine, however, i feel that perhaps i should really have some introduction, since i didnt really made a good self-intro previously and just too focus on blogging about my events which is like what the hell sometimes...hahaha but anyway, today i decided to make one...lol
'what the hell' yeah i know its wat the hell
because previously i tot of putting this blog as private, but eventually after much request from my friends who get bored from reading just a fictional creations i made myself about someone else's life and world, i decided to input some of my personal life 'issues' so as to make the blog more interesting..lol lol of course with the addition of pictures and song by Incubus 'Talk show on Mute' well to listen to the song, you have to press the play button at the side of the blog...haha
have not been putting the song on automatical mode...so bear with it...
anyway, as you know and as i proudly wrote everytime i made a blog entry,
my name is Yuliana Kasman and i looked like this
i'm a pure Chinese breed despite of being mistaken by a lot of people that i am a mixed, but the fact is i'm still a chinese nonetheless and undergoes Chinese Traditions and culture despite of living half of my life in Indonesia, Jakarta which is my hometown.
i am the youngest daughter of my parents whose name i will not revealed, and have two older sisters, whom i always spent my time with... i have been a living in Singapore for almost 10 years now or rather exactly 10 years and currently studying as a polytechnic student in Republic Poly, which was located so farrrr awayyyy from my home sweet home... lol
i love to read during my past time and going to various book stores is the first thing i did whenever i entered a mall....not really to grab a book or read any one of it that lined the shelves but well just simply get the feel of bookstore...lol lol
apart from that i really love music very much. though currently i'm still struggling to play the piano hahaha, but i'm glad i managed to play a tune or two...haha and i really love going to concerts...i've been to various concerts before...like N.E.R.D (and met up with Pharrell kyaaa), Jay Chow, F4 ( a long long time ago) Linkin Park , Incubus and several others... and each concerts that i went really was an incredible experienced that one has to face once in their lifetime...
basically, i love all sorts of music genre but the one that i trully love is classic and rock. lol i know the combination is kinda weird, but well....thats the way it is...lol lol extreme to extereme...haha it is really not easy to scream so loud like that (in rock) and still sounds good...and it is not easy to sing in such a high note (in classic) but still appeared so clear and soothing to the ears... so ya well i guess that's the reason why...lol lol
the things that i love to do...hmmm you would not want to know...lol
i like to laugh...(so the reason to my haha haha haha every now and then on the last end of each sentences haha (again) ), like to daydream...a lot a lot...and can happen anytime not only during the day...lol so better make sure u get my attention when you wan to talk to me...for i'm always building dreams in my own world...haha sorry but well, i always tends to float away...so catch me if you can... =) but my day dreaming means no harm really...you just got to tap me once or twice if u found me dreaming as i talk to you...hehe
i love jokes... funny, lame, stupid jokes... lol lol because they are funny...and they can make me laugh...so it is good.. being happy is good.. lol
i like to do things that does not required much thinking... like baking ( a lil thinking), dancing, walking, shopping you know...haha i know this sounds wat the hell...but ya well i like it...because it helps to reduces the stress level in me...hahaha thats y HOLIDAYS are my best friends...lol lol lol
apart from that, i love taking pictures..beautiful pictures of the world. photography. i like photography...and travelling around the world is my dream... =)
i love peace
i love nature
i love animals
and most of all, i love to eat.... haha all sorts of food...
sweet or spicy, i gobled it down my throat..haha
but of course... stay in control... too much fats is not so good for the heart...lol lol
and ohh ya, being a nomads who live here and there (between indonesia and singapore) i'm fortunate enough to adapt threee to four languages hehe sexy...
i speak Indonesian language (bahasa indonesia, when i'm in indo ), English (which i love and used), Mandarin (which i dont really use, except at times of need), and my diallects which i dont really use except when talking to the elders at home...haha

well, anyway, these are basically what i have to say about myself...
the rest of it, you see it yourself either in my profile, or when we meet up....
okay, so thank you for reading my blog...
and for the time you spent in reading this longggggggggggggggggggg intro....
and hope you enjoy it....
stay happy everyone
God Bless
love always,
me =)
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