still 30 minutes before the lesson start

i'm farrr too early for the lesson...
haha didnt know i will be so into class...
welll maybe is because things are getting interesting
though yesterday was not as much as interesting if not because of a jackass...
who ruin everyone's mood...
but anyway, today is a new day, and i have no time to think about jackass...
i have more important things to do...important things to think about...and important things to reach out too.
anyway, this morning, which was frankly speaking a few hours ago, when i was on m way to school, i was reading National Geographic which i bought after much consideration, and pocket burning, a few days ago...haha i realised that the world is in a damn serious condition. how scary can it be that Australia is faced with a 7 years of YEARS!!!! IS A DISASTER. and to read that some of the farmers have to sell away their herds, their orchards, their supplies etc. etc. it breaks my heart. how disaster can lead to such a terrible consequences. which is not so so nice... =(
besides that, i read that the northpole too, or more specifically at Svalbard, Norway, where the ice glaciers surfaces are almost being wiped away and this may caused a difficulty in the bearded seal population.'s saddening. especially when the seals are the main prey for keeping Polar bears fit at work due to their massive size, and thus needed that large supplement of seals; the seals will be even less....ohhh no....i love seals....and i have not been to Norway. i want to see those arctic animals c'mon...
anyway, these two articles, made my heart burn...
burn with desire to make myself get out of my comfort zone to save people...
save...and reach out those people who are still lost...
* i want to see u people in heaven man...
u know who you are...or maybe i know who you are at least...
and thus, it burdens me to reach out to u...
so u can be save.
i dont know how, but i wish i can do something for u
i really do.
stay safe
keep smiling
stay healthy
love always,
Yuliana Kasman
God bless you =)
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