Tuesday, November 1, 2011


After living with not-so-much of a purposeful life for the past few months, FINALLY, I found myself going back on track again to the road of a more meaningful, purposeful life.
Unlike the past few months whereby I spent my days thinking of what to do everyday without a definite desire/ motivation, these four days I realized that I have been motivating myself to do the few things that I have been dreading myself to do all these while : Writing a resume and Enhancing my dull portfolios.

And I'm glad!
I'm glad! Pleased! Very much Delighted that I have been working extra hard to achieve that. :)

The sense of accomplishment is beyond simple description.

And I thank God for creating us as a human with a purpose than not. Because, as much as life can be challenging sometimes/ the purpose that we are looking for seems so entwain, but at the end of the day because we wanted to achieve that purpose and because we know we have that purpose, it makes us move...and keep moving and make our life not that boring/ stagnant all the time.

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