Friday, February 26, 2010


Sebel sih sebel sama nih barang yg namanya Excel.
Apa udah sering bikin pusink, suka ganti ganti sendiri kalo salah pencet,
Harus teliti litanya kalo nga satu row missing, semuanya corrupted
Tapi lama kelamaan abis observing and observing
Haha akirnya ketemuin juga 坏脾气nya die.
Supaya nga salah, sekali add rows, semua nya kena added
Cuman kalo dah mau delete tuh unneeded rows, harus highlight semua rownya dari A-1V
Baru nomor2 lainnya nga pada ketinggalan…
Alahasil, rapih deh!!!!

In fact, gua malah jadi addicted nih sama Excel sekarang haha
Pengen buat2 terus supaya nga lupa…
Ini skills yg jarang banget bisa di dapetin lho!!!!

Anyway, pake Indo deh ya inputnya…
Untuk mereka2 yg nga ngerti indo, too bad deh…
Kantornya sepi banget nih…gua sampe merasa diri gua paling berisik…
Kratak kratak kratak kratakkkkkk….
Suaranya si keyboard gila…

Tadi akirnya gua ngobrol lagi sama si boss…
Abis satu minggu kerja.
Dia mang mantep sih…gua salut sama dia…
Bener bener gaya wanita karir yg gua pengen jadi!
Stylo, gaya, berwibawa, tapi juga humble!!!
Ada dignity!
Ada style!

Hehehe lain kali gua juga mau kaya gitu donk…
Sekarang pake celana kain aja ke kantor, dah rasanya cool banget nih!!!! Hehe
Sayang nih tasnya kurang gaya…
Baju atasan juga kurang lengkap haha

I wonder kapan ya gua bisa jadi kaya gitu…
Duduk di office, bawa mobil, bawa barang keren, punya duit sendiri
Asik dah pokoknya!!! Hahahaha

Tinggal 1 jam 33 menit untuk pulang…
Rada males nih, buat article yg di suruh ulang hahaha
Nga ngerti gua…
Harus baca lagi pelan pelan pelan pelan!!!!
Never mind…
Minggu Depan…
Siap siap di gembleng mati matian deh gua…
Asal jangan bentrok sama excel aja, kalo nga ntar pusing…

Malem mingguan, mau ngapain ya?
Selain cari baju kerja…
Gua pengen banget nih lanjutin baca the hobbit!!!!
Hehe sebelom filmnya keluar donk…biar bisa liat aksi si ganteng
Orlando Bloom hahahahaha

Gila lho, tuh orang sih lucu banget lho!!!
Walaupun jorok ya, nga suka ganti baju…idih..eneg…
Cuman orangnya lucu banget…
Murah senyum
Mantep lah dia pokoknya!

Yah pokoknya weekend gua mau ENJOY aja!!!
K deh tau diri
Got to go!!!

Love, Me =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Though it may be a pain and it may be stupid that I feel like banging it to the wall
Or at times, throw it away and get myself a new one LOL
But sometimes, I do miss my dear laptop
who remain anonymous.

Perhaps we gone through thick and thin together
Or maybe I just need it for the time being
Or I just love the idea that it can help me to get things done, and it didnt make many noise
huahaha except when I am angry and I was typing really loudly.
I don't know...haha but all I know
I miss it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

nice to see again bloggers...
the time now is 8:12 a.m. Very very early in the morning.
Huahaha it is Monday once again. how boring it can be...
Anyway...luckily I have a damn good weekend watching Orlando Bloom as he played his role as the prince elf, Legolas in The Return of the King, as well as watching how he posed in front of the camera with his cute face in one of those interviews they had during the premiere of Lord of the Ring, The Two Tower.

Huahaha as I watched the movie once again, and with full subtitles being shown on my TV screen huahaha, I found myself understanding the whole movie better LOL.
and to think that LOTR is one of my favourite.. I felt so proud that I went for the museum last time...hehe and even bought that cursed ring home...huahahaha...


Anyway, been wondering what else to write here.
Seems like recently the days are getting kinda boring...
I was thinking of writing a movie review, but each time I think that I have to write about facts, it reminds me of my FYP (final year project) and it made my heart burns.
So, in the end, I decided, NEVER MIND!
just watch the movie and keep the good input for myself!!!

Had been watching UP again.
Wooh that show...
semakin di nonton makin seneng!!!!!
Colourful balloons, adorable conversation between the young and old...huehehe
It's just adorable...

However, it got me thinking, what if, the next time I found Jared, in say, an abandoned house, in a jungle, yeah since he likes insect, I guess he would love to live in the jungle, listening to all the cicadas, and grasshoppers, and dragonflies and praying mantis calling and singing in the night, hahaha.

Then yeah, so I met him, and he saw me with that blue eyes of his, then suddenly after having a plesant meal, and some fun, joking around, being sarcastic and talking about music, and life and arts...he decided to kill me...and turned me into a giant butterfly.
As he called out to his collection of cicadas to attack me!!!!
Oh gosh!!!!
that would be horrible horrible!!!! =p
I hope my Jared is not a psychotic bastard LOL LOL!!!!
and hope that he will not have all his insects when we met.
I mean at least Russell and Frederickson managed to gain some dogs after Mr. .... (Okay I forgotten the name of the other old fellow) but if It was Jared, and I am to gain some of his cicadas...kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! no way baby...
I wont want to have that...

I rather have Orlie's Sidi!!! =p

Anyway, got to go...
see ya next time!!

Can't wait to watch for more movies!!!!

Take care now, Bye Bye then
Me =)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Artist Insperation

Brandon Boyd is the one person came to mind
when I was told to make a story board
project for the coming Understading test. (part of it)
How I "wish you were here" man!!!
haha then at least some of my work can be helped out =p (sweet!)

It's the end of the week already...
but the business is getting on my nerves...
guess I have to slow things down...
but i dont know man...
I just felt so damn tied up here...
guess the idea of making it as a comic strip is kinda irritating me now...
how I wish I'm blessed with the ability to draw better than what I have now...

Anyway, listening to 30 seconds to mars, hurricane now...
a beautiful piece of song written by Jared Leto about the world etc.
A damn cool man I am currently in love with (hahahaha)
Feel so glad that I was able to get a magazine (Alternative Press/ AP) with a lot of information about the band.
and to think that Jared is currently making a documentary about the whole 30 seconds to mars thing which is about to be release soon!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
I'm so EXCITED!!!!
Hope that the time it was done, I have the whole time in the world to watch it!!!

Anyway, got to go...
time to get some practice to make the whole project cool and perfect!

see ya soon!!!