Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life at its Best

There is nothing better than a great musician singing a great songs with a great lyrics, when one is down, to soothes and calm the whole psychotic mood.

Posting shit in my blog.
Not my type.
But for the benefit of the great things that had helped me to overcome all the suckiness of life, I am going to make this post a lil different than usual.

It was 1 week before my official working days, and I have been kept busy as if I have been working all my life already.
Not that I don't enjoy it.
But everything is so messy and quick and fast that for a moment I am wondering now, what the hell have I been doing?

Not to mentioned the unnessary things that had happened to some of my silly friends which led them stumbled and astrayed.
Moreover the endless redudant/ probably unachievable expectation that continue to pile up.
And analysing and analysing endless people who just refuses to make a change in their life.

At times like this I really think that the observation made by Eccletiates is really true.
All these are meaningless.

To build and to build and re-build for many years only to be ruined in one night.
Or to think and to re-think and to change and make a change only to be slashed in one event.
These are all meaningless.

Thankfully, God who is meaningful, stays meaningful and always meaningful.

And He gave me the opportunity to see the menings in life out of the ugliness of the world that are menaingless. One day it will perish anyway.
Just like David who loves to dwells in His dwelling place and prefer to stay in His court for one day than to spend thousand days elsewhere; I rather be like that too.

To stay in His dwelling place and be His gatekeeper rather than standing in the tent of the wicked.

How I wish to stay in His presence forever.

And thanks be to God for he is worthy of praise, and His covenant endures forever.
For at times when life seems like hell, He gave me things that are worth worshipping.

The beauty of a talented singer/song writer that I am able to come across for example.
He is like Ruth in the middle of the corrupted monarchy of the Israelites 2000 years ago.
A flower that blooms among the thorns of life.
Bringing beauty and comfort and peace to the seemingly meaningless life.
And with the creativity of his writing skills, he brought with him a song that seems to bring life and beauty.

What a great gift.
A blessing.

Then again at times when life seems to tiring to move on, a prayer request was given on the card that I am glad to feel the stillness of life.

Sometimes, it is also better when we live far away from our gadgets.
Putting on my handphone to silent mode.
I couldn't careless of what's happening in there.
For once, I feel life is more meaningful. Because time is being spent properly, fruitfully and slowly treassured.

How often do we neglected the sense of time.
Too busy to the point that time seems so short to eat.
Or too rush to the point that 24 hours is not enough.
Time was taken too quickly that the next thing you know, another weeks had passed. Then months, then years.
And when we re-collect everything, we realized that all our lives, we dedicated it to others.
Not bad, but what do we feel?
More often then not, emptiness.
Habitual response.

What about Enjoyment?
or Gladness?
When all these things are none, it is no wonder life seems so lifeless. Empty. Meaningless.

Prayerfully, despite all the crazy things in life, everyone still take a time to pray.
To stop.
To think.
To laugh.
To love.
To be glad.
To be joyful.
To be true, at least to themselves.
And take a time to enjoy life sincerely.

Me :)

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