Thursday, June 26, 2008

Above the Clouds

He stood under the wide endless sky
Head stooped up and smiled as he saw the silhouette of the airplane flying above his head
With his delicate finger he mimics the movement of the airplane as it took off and landed softly in the disorienting clouds.

He imagine himself as the pilot
His hands clicking, pressing, steering the airplane machine

Soon, he found himself floating, leaning against the wind, leaning against the sky and its clouds that formed numerous patterns.

He found himself so close to the world of clouds that he loves
He found himself weightless and peaceful
He found himself floating up up and up

As he made his journey up above the highest level of all clouds
He found a blue balloon attached with a blue paper plane
It’s golden string glistening under the sun

He reached forward and grabbed it
He turned the paper-plane back and forth to find the name of the sender
It was empty

He looked around him and saw little creatures waving at him on the hard surface of the ground
He smiled
Dedicated to my beloved cousin
It is a blessing to have you as my cousin
till then take care....goodbye


J4D3L1N said...

Great job! You should write simple but touching story like this more.It shows more about you and less about things that aren't intersting.

I can feel the character from your descriptions and can feel your emotion.

The best so far from you. Keep it up! Looking forward for more simplicity but the true "Yuliana" creation from you.

J4D3L1N said...

Great job! You should write simple but touching story like this more.It shows more about you and less about things that aren't intersting.

I can feel the character from your descriptions and can feel your emotion.

The best so far from you. Keep it up! Looking forward for more simplicity but the true "Yuliana" creation from you.

J4D3L1N said...

Great job! You should write simple but touching story like this more.It shows more about you and less about things that aren't intersting.

I can feel the character from your descriptions and can feel your emotion.

The best so far from you. Keep it up! Looking forward for more simplicity but the true "Yuliana" creation from you.