Saturday, June 13, 2009


I sat tongue tied and nervous as the airsteward explained the need to be alert in case
'the pilot announce evacuate, evacuate, evacuate' as he explained, my eyes darts from the direction of his hand gestures to the emergency exit door that was placed exactly beside my seat.
As i looked at the exit door, i cursed the staffs at the check in counter for giving me this particulaer seat number 11A and my mom 11B. Though i was glad that i could seat at the window seat. But the idea that is it near the emergency exit, and the idea that an accident does occur and i have to open the door, with me sitting with no doors above the disorienting clouds...oh man...this is more scary than any horror movies.

I imagined my hairs flapping like crazy, people screaming, i closing my eyes holding the door...
Oh baby....
After he left, my mom asked if i wanted to change seat with her. But i said 'it's okay'
and stared at the instruction placed on the seat in front of me. And i made an invisible notes in my mind.
1. pull the handle off the place
2. put it inside the seat pocket in front of you
3. pull the next handle that was placed inside of it
4. Put it in front of you
5. Hold the door in front of you

Something like that.
and i remember sitting, feelling numb for a few seconds, before i decided to bring my fears to prayer.
Just yesterday i prayed and told God that if i have to die, before that i wanted to see a list of people and even if i cant see them, i wish they could at least attend my funeral...bla bla bla...and how will i know that He will grand my wish so soon...

'Do i really have to open this door God?' i asked in between prayer and i think i heard Him say the word 'No'

Worst, my mom told me that she have not turned off her mobile phone when the plane was preparing to take off, and the announcement for all electronic devices are to remain switch off at all time, and her bag or rather our bags are being placed on the deck above our head, for emergency purpose. Damn, i was more than frightened and immediately called for the airsteward who happened to be around, the same guy who explained about the evacuation thing, and asked his help for the bag to be placed down and immediately swith off the phone.

As i sat back again, i was stunned for the second time, and began to pray again...
and i told God how scared i was...

Then immediately, a few minutes before the plane took off, i saw a great sunset view.
It was the best i have ever seen.
The sun, was in a perfect round shape, like a beautiful orange ball and it remain there
making me awed and speechless that for a moment it made me forgot about the fear that i was feeling previously.

And it stayed there, revealing more beauty as it slowly move down among the clouds, getting more orange, almost like the colour of the burning flame, of orange and red.
Throughout the time, my eyes were fixed on it, as it slowly made me feel calm with no worries.

Soon, it was time for the airplane to take off...
as it made a turn, making the sun to be at the back of the plane, and began to take off, i decided to jerk forward to take a last glance of the beautiful sunset, which i believe was God's gift for me, or in other words, His way of comforting me off my fear, knowing that i love the view of sunset, and knowing that the day before, i missed the chance of snapping it down, gee...thus, i guess in my weaknesses, He decided to show His power to let me know that just like the sun, He is everywhere. and today, i began to comprehend the meaning of it.

I turned and i saw from the distance the last strip of the orange view as the sun hid itself behind the pale fluffy clouds, as if bidding me goodbye or have a save flight, before it completely emerged behind the clouds and turned the evening light into night.

p.s. honestly speaking, the view that i saw today was the most wonderful view in my life, unfortunately, i didnt have the chance to snap it down... but again, the moment was brilliant...
and how i wish to see it again...

p.s.s. and if not for the flu that blocked my ear it will be a wonderful flight... =)

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