Monday, May 25, 2009


Today i woke up in the morning
and found my eyes getting worse than the day before.
It was very very itchy...and my helpless hands cant do anything to rub it off
because its gonna make things worse...
I didnt know what causes this little idiot to appear in the corner of my eyes...
but i guess ie because of all the dirty dusts that flew itself on me.
Or all the radiation that was hypnotising me ...damn it!
Time to concentrate in school and dont play too much facebook etc. etc. haha
and time to get some sleep...
But well get a little sick, make me to realise the importance of a good health.
Time to rest... and take care of myself =)

And talking about sleep, i cant help to imagine sleeping in my comfortable bed at home haha
and makes me happy thinking about sleep as this morning, after settling my struggle with my eyes and get back to get somemore sleep...haha
i dreamt of a good dream....
a good dream of walking in the rain with someone special haha
it was a romantic, well not really, but kinda sweet walk under the rhythmic shower....
so good....haha
how i wish i could dream of such a dream more often...and longer this time...

Been sometime since the last time i dreamt of something so good....haha

Dang...been busy all these while with all the upcoming talks...and fortunately it was all a good O'le talk...hope to see more good talks soon...hehe =) okay got to go

take care now, bye bye then

Love Always
Yuliana Kasman =)

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