Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where is God when it Hurts?

Is the title of the book i am reading just a few hours ago.
It was written by the Priest, Ayub Yahya (from Indonesia) and i really think that the book really gives a good input about what to do in life when troubles strike.
I dont know what makes me wanted to read that book and picked it out of the shelves, but i know the same question does occur to me at times when troubles seems to come their way all at once at me.

Not that i am having some problem currently, dont get me wrong...
I am just as great as i am...a lazy human as always...haha
but there seems to be something about the title of the book that makes me wonder...
makes me curious to ponder upon the question that i have been questioning in my life sometimes.

Is God really went missing when troubles strike?
Well, i dont think so. In fact, He never goes away... just that sometimes when trouble strikes its way on me in all directions, I seems to be the one that were hiding myself away from Him. Thinking that i can do things out of His help. Other times, i feel that i was blinded by the obstacles that I am dealing with, that for a moment, the presence of God seems to be so difficult to see.

And of course the worst thing of all, i beginning to question His presence...which is not a good thing... =p

I wonder why is that ? But, well, i was glad to know that overtime i managed to cast that horrible question aside and try to look for the good things out of the bad as i brings all the things to prayers.

Overtime, sweet and sour through prayers, i began to understand God a little at a time.
I learned that His ways are beyond recognition. I learned that at times my will is not His will.
I learned that His power is beyond limit. And most of all, i learned that His love is beyond measure; and His faithfulness is beyond belief. In fact, there is nothing far more beautiful than having a conversation with God.

I'm glad to learn that after some time i managed to rejoice and even give thanks in times of trials...as He changed the sorrows into joy. Which is not an easy thing to walk through. But Thank God that after much prayers i managed to do all that... which sometimes I dont quite believe it that i was actually giving thanks about it all sometimes... and other times wonder, what had enabled me to say those words...but all i know, i did it. With the help of the Holy Spirit i did it.

I realised that when i gives thanks about all the things in my life, all things seems beautiful even when the reality is not as wonderful. I believe this is the beauty of Thank Giving.

Moreover, I realised that through my conversations with God, I am allowing myself to be changed as He moulds me into a better human everyday. =) and as i pray more, His faith remains in me.

And with faith, i managed to bring all the troubles i have in life to prayers...and with faith i walk.
For with God, i know nothing is too frightening to face. And in fact, at times of trials, it made me to realise even better that i need Him more than anyone else i ever know. And this, allows me to learn that God is never too far away from me.

I just hope that the faith remains in me all the time...and this attitude of optimism comes to rescue each time the pessimistic mind is about to take control. =)

So where is God when it hurts?

My answer will be 'He is here always in everyone's heart.'

And there is no sufferings too great that a man cannot handle, because He is faithful and in times of trials He will not let you be tempted beyond your abilities, instead, in times of trials, will also provide a way out so that you can stand up against it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Therefore, stop blaming yourself or God when troubles strike, for it is part of life. And it is bound to happen as long as we are still alive, so that we are becoming strong each day.

In fact at times of trials, instead of questioning 'where are you God' maybe what we should do is to kneel down before Him and called out His name, for He is never too far away from each and everyone of us nor is He too late for the rescue.

I pray that the peace of the Lord is with You always and His spirits remains in each and everyone of us as we carry on with our lives everyday =)

With Love always,
Yuliana Kasman

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