Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank you

It was such a great news to hear that he had opened his eyes last night...
The joy was so great that nothing can compare how beautiful it feels.
The importance of survival...
the wonder of knowing that someone is alive...after such a long journey.
It was BRILLIANT!!!!

Thank You so much God for hearing all our prayers and eased the fear...
Thank you so much to know that he is at last awaken...
and thank you so much for all the nights we spent visiting and talking, reducing the ice between us...bonding us....

and thank you so much for friends who are there to care and to share...

thank you people for all your concern once again and for all the prayers you had said out that was being raised to heaven and helped in making the miracle comes true.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you =)

Me, moondreamer

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